On 1/24/20 13:14, Adam Moffett wrote:
I prefer MDU's where the landlord pays for all the connections and includes them in the rent, but we have one where the landlord wanted us to sell separate accounts to each tenant.

Well turns out we have a tenant with 500meg sharing his WiFi with neighboring units.  Found out when a cluster of units near each other canceled service.

On the one hand I'm annoyed and frustrated.  On the other hand I realize that they could (and surely do) play the same game with the cable company and that there's no real technical solution to stop them from doing it.  Do you just suck it up as cost of doing business or would you go confront the guy?

Is there a "no sharing" type of thing in your terms of service? IMO on residential there should be and people caught sharing should be shut off.

Of course they could just go sign up with the cable company and go back to sharing, but at least it's not your problem anymore, and if the cableco is less reliable some of the others might get fed up with sharing and come back.

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