So 10 years of idle time means you cannot renew. It's definitely an
investors game

On Sat, Jan 25, 2020, 12:02 PM Mark Radabaugh <> wrote:

> In the interest of getting the ACTUAL rules into this discussion instead
> of just speculation, this is what the FCC rules are on term and renewal
> requirements:
> (3)  *License term:*  Each PAL has a ten-year license term.  Licensees
> must file a renewal application in accordance with the provisions of
> Section 1.949.
> (4)  *Performance requirement:*  Priority Access Licensees must provide
> substantial service in their license area by the end of the initial license
> term.  “Substantial” service is defined as service which is sound,
> favorable, and substantially above the level of mediocre service which
> might minimally warrant renewal.  Failure by any licensee to meet this
> requirement will result in forfeiture of the license without further
> Commission action, and the licensee will be ineligible to regain it.  
> Licensees
> shall demonstrate compliance with the performance requirement by filing a
> construction notification with the Commission in accordance with the
> provisions set forth in § 1.946(d) of this chapter.  The licensee must
> certify whether it has met the performance requirement, and file supporting
> documentation, including description and demonstration of the bona fide
> service provided, electronic maps accurately depicting the boundaries of
> the license area and where in the license area the licensee provides
> service that meets the performance requirement, supporting technical
> documentation, any population-related assumptions or data used in
> determining the population covered by a service to the extent any were
> relied upon, and any other information the Wireless Telecommunications
> Bureau may prescribe by public notice.  A licensee’s showing of substantial
> service may not rely on service coverage outside of the PAL Protection
> Areas of registered CBSDs or on deployments that are not reflected in SAS
> records of CBSD registrations.
> (i)  *Safe harbor for mobile or point-to-multipoint service.*  A Priority
> Access Licensee providing a mobile service or point-to-multipoint service
> may demonstrate substantial service by showing that it provides signal
> coverage and offers service, either to customers or for internal use, over
> at least 50 percent of the population in the license area.
> (ii)  *Safe harbor for fixed point-to-point service*.  A Priority Access
> Licensee providing a fixed point-to-point service may demonstrate
> substantial service by showing that it has constructed and operates at
> least four links, either to customers or for internal use, in license areas
> with 134,000 population or less and in license areas with greater
> population, a minimum number of links equal to the population of the
> license area divided by 33,500 and rounded up to the nearest whole number.
> To satisfy this provision, such links must operate using registered
> Category B CBSDs.
> Mark Radabaugh
> WISPA Policy Committee Chair
> 419-261-5996
> Mark
> On Jan 24, 2020, at 6:30 PM, Seth Mattinen <> wrote:
> On 1/24/20 3:07 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
> You have to actually have gear up, it's not like n license where you just
> register. It's got to be live and transmitting, and it's verified every 4
> minutes
> Right, someone gets the PALs, does nothing so it's usable as GAA, then at
> some point later start transmitting in the PAL to kick the GAA users
> somewhere else possibly more congested.
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