Still working on migration so I will know soon..
 I just wanted to re validate each site we onboard before doing so because I dont want to have to go back for incorrect information. We have had an NN license since 2010 and since the first cambium pmp450 3.65 we have been on board for this but we have added at least 23 sites
with these since then to included the newest medusa line.
I will know something by next week when I press the button on our first site for sure lol :)

On 1/30/20 10:25 AM, David Coudron wrote:

Interested to know what folks are doing or planning to do who have Cambium PMP 450 3.65 equipment in the field.   It is our understanding that Cambium is the only SAS option we have due to the need to have cnMaestro be the Domain Proxy for the SAS.   Has anyone got this up and working?   We have been requesting access to the CBRS options in cnMaestro for two weeks but are not making much progress.   With full commercial availability, we are a little surprised that this isn’t available.   Are there other options for connecting to a SAS other than using Cambium as the SAS Domain Proxy?   Seems they might not be ready for this, or are not heavily committed to it.


David Coudron

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