I think shuttle data and GE elevations are referenced to a geoid.  Not sure if 
the both use the same geoid.  I just want to know which number to use from my 
machine.  Or if I have to do math and use them both to get an elevation that 
will agree with the shuttle elevations in RM...

I agree, Ignorance was bliss...

From: Lewis Bergman 
Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 12:15 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Elevation question

WTF. Ignorance was bliss. Thanls for screwing that up for me Chuck. Now I have 
to actually think about what to use again. I default back to Google Earth.

On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 1:12 PM <ch...@wbmfg.com> wrote:

  I have a pretty good GPS receiver.  Trimble R8 with a Yuma data collector.  
Normally we use it only for lats and longs.
  It is corrected in real time with a cellular data modem and a RTK/VRS ground 
station network.

  Yesterday we did a shot from a hill that did not exist when shuttle radar 
data was taken.  It was way off in elevation.  
  So we took a shot from our parking lot and compared it with what we think we 
know to be the altitude as well as our cell phones and google earth.

  Turns out the R8 has an ellipsoid height as well as another height associated 
with the northing and easting values.  
  The second one seems to be more in line with what I was expecting.  
  The local dealer sent me a drawing showing this.  (attached) 

  So now I am super confused.  Not sure what number to use when working with 
Radio Mobile.  Do I add the geoid height to the ellipsoid height?

  Was hoping Brian Webster may know or others may know.  Googling google earth 
elevation talks about different versions of geoid.  Not sure if their 
elevations are geoid elevations or not.  

  So, rather than dig into it any more I am taking the lazy approach and 
posting the question here.  
  AF mailing list


Lewis Bergman 
325-439-0533 Cell

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