OK here is what I learned from my brother.


You want to use the Geoid values, however you also want to make sure you
have the Geoid model loaded in to your Trimble R8 GPS. (for those not paying
attention that is a survey grade instrument with cm accuracy).

The geoid numbers are tied to the map projection you are using and they are
also tied to the GPS ground stations you are connected to 9necessary for the
cm grade accuracy). The Ellipsoid values assume that the earth is
perfectly/mathematically round. Geoid values correct for the fact that it is
not perfectly round and the reason why your GPS needs the local Geoid data
set loaded before you take readings. You do have the Geoid data for your
area loaded don't you?


For radio mobile you will want to use the Geoid height converted to meters.


Is there LIDAR data for the area in question? It might be easier just to use
a value from that. Might also be nice to convert the LIDAR to a file format
for Radio Mobile and use all that data (going to need a lot of disk space


Thank you,

Brian Webster



From: AF [mailto:af-boun...@af.afmug.com] On Behalf Of ch...@wbmfg.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 2:12 PM
To: af@af.afmug.com
Subject: [AFMUG] Elevation question


I have a pretty good GPS receiver.  Trimble R8 with a Yuma data collector.
Normally we use it only for lats and longs.

It is corrected in real time with a cellular data modem and a RTK/VRS ground
station network.


Yesterday we did a shot from a hill that did not exist when shuttle radar
data was taken.  It was way off in elevation.  

So we took a shot from our parking lot and compared it with what we think we
know to be the altitude as well as our cell phones and google earth.


Turns out the R8 has an ellipsoid height as well as another height
associated with the northing and easting values.  

The second one seems to be more in line with what I was expecting.  

The local dealer sent me a drawing showing this.  (attached) 


So now I am super confused.  Not sure what number to use when working with
Radio Mobile.  Do I add the geoid height to the ellipsoid height?


Was hoping Brian Webster may know or others may know.  Googling google earth
elevation talks about different versions of geoid.  Not sure if their
elevations are geoid elevations or not.  


So, rather than dig into it any more I am taking the lazy approach and
posting the question here.  

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