We're using this one. It's only 15A, but works fantastic.


Jesse DuPont

Owner / Network Architect
email: jesse.dup...@celeritycorp.net
Celerity Networks LLC / Celerity Broadband LLC
Like us! facebook.com/celeritynetworksllc

Like us! facebook.com/celeritybroadband


On 9/10/20 11:18 AM, Sterling Jacobson wrote:

I should have just asked this here first instead of the Facebook groups.

Sometimes people are just so lazy it makes me doubt humanity.

All I got out of Facebook so far with this questions is idiots mansplaining hack about things I already know.




If you know of a product that exists that fits the bill, please point me in the right direction because I’m having a hell of a time finding it.


Basically this, but AUTO TRANSFER instead of manual:



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