The fascinating thing is that many colleges & universities are not willing
to cut a break on virtual learning. Full boat or go home.

On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 2:10 PM Seth Mattinen <> wrote:

> On 10/12/20 10:24, wrote:
> > It will be interesting to see how education changes post covid.  I would
> > think that we have proven brick and mortar universities are not needed.
> > Perhaps for some labs and other special things.  But online works.
> > Should drive the cost down I would hope.
> As a teenager I would have given zero fucks to putting any actual effort
> into online-only classes. I needed the presence. I definitely would not
> have met my wife.
> I feel bad for everyone that's enrolled now being forced go full virtual
> when one of the major points of going to college in person is to get the
> whole college experience. Many won't excel in virtual education and
> self-learning. Between college and K-12 going virtual, we're looking at
> a whole generation that's going to be shorted on their education.
> --
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