Every now and then you get a customer that just grinds your gears. Customer has multiple streaming services, including Youtube TV, so they have to be paying over $100/month for their OTT packages, but they REFUSE to spend more than $35/month for our lowest grandfathered base package, and continually complain about picture quality and buffering. We've offered our higher packages, but 'I can't afford that' So we've told them multiple times that they're not happy with us and they need to switch to Comcast, but 'Comcast is too expensive' and 'I'm just a poor teacher' Then they had the audacity to tell us 'I even went and bought a new 4k Samsung smart TV thinking that would fix everything, but it's all still grainy and still buffering!' Well, yes, it's maxing out your plan speed. No matter how expensive of a TV you get it'll still have that problem. I'm not sure what the problem is with upgrading their package since apparently they can spend money on everything else.

Not really looking for any answers, just need someone to gripe to since I'm sitting here by myself this morning.

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