
On Tue, May 18, 2021, 2:41 PM Jan-GAMs <> wrote:

> I think we're getting played by the CDC.  It seems they like to keep
> torpedoing Biden.  You watch, in two weeks we're going to have another
> Covid surge.  They seem to get stuck on air contaminate data from mines vs
> disease spread in rooms.
> I had to argue it out with a "Freedom" yeller at the hardware store the
> other week.  He came in with no mask and started shouting about his freedom
> and the store clerk pointed to the door and said : no mask no enter, get
> out.  then he came towards me, I guess it's because I'm an old fart too,
> and started into about how wearing a mask "violates his freedom".  And I
> said: what about you violating my freedom by breathing in my airspace with
> no mask?  This is a civil country, we have laws, otherwise we would have
> anarchy.  In the Philippines no mask gets you a bullet, why not go there
> and bitch?
> I look at these whiners as selfish turds for humans, whining about their
> freedom while violating everyone else's rights.
> On 5/18/21 10:52 AM, Bill Prince wrote:
> Science that I've read indicates that the antibodies are broader spectrum
> and more durable than the ones you get from fighting the infection
> directly. In addition, the antibodies you have *_may_* be specific to the
> varient you contracted. The safer thing is to get the vaccination.
> Don't forget, the vaccine is not just protecting you, it is also
> protecting the people you come into contact with.
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 5/18/2021 10:31 AM, Steve Jones wrote:
> I'm not getting vaccine, my wife hasnt decided, older boy doesnt want it,
> 12 year old girl does, so she will get it now that she can. We all had it,
> science dictates that's the same.
> --
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