Um….nobody advocates more abortions.  More contraceptive measures maybe.

You might need to take a smoke break my man. 



From: AF <> On Behalf Of Jan-GAMs
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political


A fetus is not a child.  An unwanted glob of spit forced to stay in womb is 
looking forward to a childhood of hate and abuse.  Where do you think that 
child is going to vent his anger and frustration?

On 5/25/22 13:09, Cameron Crum wrote:

Talk about sick. You just advocated murdering more children, especially those 
with disabilities, to possibly prevent more murders. No wonder we have a 
culture problem. 


On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 3:02 PM Jan-GAMs < 
<> > wrote:

America has a serious culture issue, I think you're right.  Our sicko's behave 
like predators who go after the weakest/defenseless in our herd.  The only 
solution I see is to strengthen the defenses until we can figure out how to 
remove the sicko's.  Maybe more abortions to remove the unwanted so they don't 
grow up to be abused children?  Sandy Hook was done by an autistic child, 
possibly could have been caught with a test many months prior to birth.  Maybe 
the threat of feeding surviving sicko's to pigs might stop them?

On 5/25/22 12:32, Bill Prince wrote:

Mass shootings get all the attention, but as bad as they are, they are not the 
major cause of gun-related deaths.

According to this article by 
the BBC (and I would say they don't have a dog in this fight, except maybe to 
gloat about how much safer it is in the UK), the majority of gun-related deaths 
(54%) are from suicide (and that is illegal most places I know). Most of the 
rest (42%) are some kind of homicide. The number killed in mass shootings is a 
tiny , but glaring, minority.

The number of guns per capita is pretty eye-opening at 1.2 guns per person. 
Second place (in the world) is Yemen with .5 guns per person. Interestingly, 
first world countries Canada, Finland, and Iceland have about .3 per person. 
Most European countries don't even make the list.

I would say that we have a culture problem, but I'll be damned to say how to 
fix it.



On 5/25/2022 11:05 AM, Chuck McCown via AF wrote:

Some sources call mass shootings: 


Mass shootings are defined as events in which four or more people are killed 
with firearms in a public place, with the murders not being attributed to any 
other underlying criminal activity.


By that count there have only been 8 so far this year.  



From: Craig House 

Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 12:02 PM

To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political


That’s funny I was just about to post the exact same statistics. You would 
expect any statistics in the United States to be broken down equal to the 
population statistics or very close.  Where there are anomalies from those 
statistics is probably the best place to look for answers. So maybe the 
question that needs to be asked is why are Latinos less likely to participate 
in mass shootings. I’m not being facetious. Is it stronger family ties, do they 
have a better appreciation for what they have,? Maybe somewhere buried in those 
questions are the answers that we’re all looking for

Sent from my iPhone

On May 25, 2022, at 12:59, Chuck McCown via AF  <> 
<> wrote:


57.8% of the US is white.  So proportionally mass shooters are even more likely 
to be white than the fraction of the population would suggest.  

But the same goes for blacks.  21% of the mass shooters/ 13% of the population


For Latinos, it is reversed.  18.7% of the population but only 10% of the mass 


The solution is more Latinos.  


From: Chuck McCown via AF 

Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 11:39 AM

To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 

Cc: Chuck McCown 

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political


68% white Steve, 68%


From: Steve Jones 

Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 11:30 AM

To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political


ther is not such a thing as an assault weapon, so thats easy. 

You dont dictate whether people need or dont need anything, that you opinion 
and its in regard to a fantasy item anyway, so pretty moot

Instant background checks would solve a lot of issues, especially since it can 
flag a restricted individual, you try to buy a gun when you arent supposed to, 
you should get a quick visit from authorities to clear it out

How would going after white supremacists stop the majority of the shootings and 
mass shootings, since minorities perpetrate the majority of those? Its always 
best to start with addressing the big problems first. white supremacists, black 
supremacists, I dont think there are really any other color supremacists out 
there. but both are the same card. best to focus on criminals instead of idiots 
and emotions because CNN told you to.

How would indicting trump have stopped yesterday or the mass shootings under 
your god obama?


You definitely shouldnt own firearms, I agree with you there.


Seventy years ago, KKK was in full steam politicians were openly members, 
racism was rampant and most every school had a boatload of firearms in the lot 
and in the building. So your whole premise that this is a white problem is just 
you being a racist bigot. There were little to no mass shootings or school 


The moron in new york at least made it clear in his manifesto that was pretty 
much plagiarized from the australian guy that this happens where it happens 
because there are no guns there. he was very clear in that. Mass shooters (gang 
members and the CNN image of the white kid) have one thing in common, theyre 
cowards. They wont target armed areas, thats why schools and gun free zones are 
what they like to hit (and the fact that the schools abuse alot of these guys)


The left fights for no guns, no borders, no consequense, no death penalty, no 
accountability for things they like, and then they wonder why the natural 
progression occurs. Thats why lieberalism is a mental illness. victimology and 
cliche dont get the job done. never has, never will, fiddle and watch burn


On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 10:31 AM Jaime Solorza < 
<> > wrote:

Ban all assault weapons... 

Normal folks don't need those...

Make purchasing guns harder and stricter background checks..

Go after white supremacist groups aggressively  ..

Cut the head of the snake off...indict trump


On Wed, May 25, 2022, 9:25 AM Chuck McCown via AF < 
<> > wrote:

What would you have them do?


From: Jaime Solorza 

Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 9:02 AM

To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political


I stand by my Texas it's the Republicans who are strong gun 
supporters...and fuck Democrats who don't do shit... 

Tony Gonzales for one .

I call it as it is...


On Wed, May 25, 2022, 8:45 AM Chuck McCown via AF < 
<> > wrote:

This has been building for decades and multiple administrations.  So why is it 
always the total fault of Republicans?  Are Democrats so feckless they cannot 
do anything but whine raise taxes?

Sent from my iPhone

On May 25, 2022, at 6:36 AM, Jaime Solorza < 
<> > wrote:


Bullshit Steve...immigrants haven't been killing children or people with 
assault weapons...they come here for a better life... 

You don't live near the border...

You see things through a tunnel vision created by xenophobic racist assholes...

I have been to Uvalde many times for work and a grandfather of 16 
school age children this hit me very hard...

Fuck guns, fuck Trump, fuck Abbott, fuck Cruz, fuck NRA, fuck GOP, pro life my 



On Tue, May 24, 2022, 11:59 PM Steve Jones < 
<> > wrote:

No country that enacted these controls already had the volume of firearms we 
have presently. Comparing apples and turtles. Ban them and you  have nothing 
but illegal weapons. We have a porous border that democrats fight very hard to 
ensure whole people can get across. Ban guns and see how that turns out. Disarm 
real people and every city and town will be Compton USA. Stop the hugathug 
campaigns and the shootings will be less. 


You folks are only upset because some white kids may have been shot. You dont 
care that more kids of color are killed annually in here and there shootings. 
Get off the big ticket outrage bandwagon, its dispicable.


On Wed, May 25, 2022, 12:01 AM Darin Steffl < 
<> > wrote:

Stricter gun laws absolutely help reduce violence. Look at every other country 
in the world and how much less gun violence they have. 


Making guns harder to buy reduces the supply available to criminals. Every gun 
a criminal has/had was at some point sold legally. Requiring universal 
background checks means no more private sales without a background check. Gun 
shows and private party sales don't require checks today when they should. 


If background checks are required for any sale or gift of a firearm, this means 
sellers will be liable if the firearm they sold/gifted is used to commit a 
crime if they didn't do a background check. Hold people accountable who put 
guns into the hands of bad people. If a child uses a parent's gun to commit a 
crime, charge the parent for something serious. Send a message that guns are 
serious and dangerous in the wrong hands. People will lock up their guns and be 
way more careful about who they sell or gift them to if they are liable for 
crimes committed using their firearm. 


Can't you see how these measures will reduce the supply of legal guns going to 
criminals and mentally unstable people? Again, look at every other country that 
has either gun bans or strict gun control and their statistics clearly show 
that they have less gun violence per capita. If it works everywhere else, it 
WILL work here. 


Red flag laws and revokation of gun ownership should be passed too so if 
someone becomes mentally unstable and starts posting about threats or violence 
they want to cause, the sheriff should be able to sieze their guns until they 
have a psych eval and can prove they're sane enough to get their guns back.


This is a stupid saying: the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good 
guy with a gun.


The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to make sure they never have 
access to a gun to begin with. There's multiple reasons why arming more people 
is a bad idea. There's too many cooks in the kitchen then. Say you're in Texas 
at church where many people carry. Someone decides to start killing people in 
church so 20 "good guys" with guns pull out their pistol and have to decide who 
the bad guy is... How many good guys end up getting shot by other good guys? 
The answer is quite a few. You don't always know who the bad guy with a gun is 
if all the good guys with guns draw at the same time. You could be shot by 
other good guys or cops on accident. Worse yet would be shooting innocent 
bystanders because there's a 20 person firefight happening in church. 


The solution goes back to people having fewer guns and America getting rid of 
their obsession with guns. Keep them for hunting but don't make guns a 
personality trait. The people who take family Christmas card pictures all 
holding guns is embarrassing as hell. Like can't you just own guns and be 
private about it instead of acting all Macho and worshiping your weapons?!


FYI, I am a gun owner and have a permit to carry. I do not carry but have the 
ability to. I have several pistols and some hunting rifles and shotguns. I have 
no desire for an assault rifle and don't see the need for others to want them 
either. I think it should be much harder to buy a gun and I support that.


The solution to gun violence is not to hire more armed guards and police 
officers to patrol schools and other public places. All that does is cost tons 
of money and doesn't prevent a bad guy from shooting up a place. It may only 
reduce the response time to take out the shooter. Think 20 steps before we get 
to the shooting. Preventing access to guns is Step #1 in preventing these mass 
shootings and requires no extra money or armed guards.


Facts show these measures will work to reduce gun violence. Opinions, thoughts 
and prayers do nothing to stop gun violence. Supporting the gun lobby does not 
help. Allowing politicians to block all gun control legislation does not help. 
Over 90% of Americans support universal background checks yet the Republicans 
won't do a damn thing to pass it. 


I'll scream this until people hear it, the Republicans are the obstructionist, 
pro-death party. Their only platform is to say no to democrats. They blocked 
bills to reduce the cost on insulin, help increase supply of baby formula, help 
reduce gas prices, etc. They actively try to hurt the American people. They 
take away human rights. They lie about science and allow their supporters to 
die from covid by spreading misinformation. They try to scare their supports by 
putting the fear of God into them with baseless claims of replacement theory, 
war on God, indoctrination...


The party has become a joke. No spine and full of cowards who won't stand up to 
hateful rhetoric. A coup attempt on January 6 and the party still spreads the 
big lie that trump won when he clearly lost in the most secure election in 
history. The party is becoming worthless and the younger generation won't 
tolerate all the BS.


Democrat is the progressive party that cares about all people and as long as we 
keep it moderate and speak up about what we like and don't like, they are 
likely to listen. Reach out to your politicians and tell them what you want 
them to do if you don't agree with their platform. 


On Tue, May 24, 2022, 11:25 PM Jaime Solorza < 
<> > wrote:

Fuck our piece of shit governor,  Trumpabbott and all his gun loving 

Fuck his press release...

These pieces of shit...are supposed to be at an NRA event next week

Trumputinsky,  Trumpabbott and Ted Cancun Cruzado...fuck them to hell


On Tue, May 24, 2022, 6:34 PM Darin Steffl < 
<> > wrote:

18 more children shot and killed. Fuck thoughts and prayers from the right. 
These damn Republicans MUST agree to some sort of sensible gun control. 


Guns need to be hard to purchase, not easy. Red flag laws need to be passed. 
Background checks for any and all purchases, no exceptions.


Another shooting, more dead children and the Republicans want to do nothing. 
They'll gladly keep letting Americans die in order to keep gun nuts happy. 
Something over 60% of Americans support stricter gun control.


Republicans continue to be the pro-death party. How embarrassing and shameful!! 
If you vote republican, start reaching out to your politicians and ask them to 
fucking do something!! This is a goddamn joke. These mass shootings only happen 
in America.


I support if you're conservative but you must voice your opinion if your party 
keeps messing up. Tell them to take action! 


On Mon, May 23, 2022, 2:40 PM < <> 
> wrote:

Figuratively inside the lines.  


From: AF < <> > On Behalf 
Of Josh Luthman
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 1:56 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group < <> >
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political mean outside the lines?


On Mon, May 23, 2022 at 1:47 PM < 
<> > wrote:

NYDOT can be pretty accommodating, but they definitely have a lot of rules and 
they do want you to color inside the lines.



From: AF < <> > On Behalf 
Of Chuck McCown via AF
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 1:37 PM
To: <> 
Cc: Chuck McCown < <> >
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political


Once we had to cut a road with an excavator.  Then we had to do compacted fill 
in lifts, the asphalt on the top had to be milled down on both sides so the 
profile of the patch formed a T shape.  We used the hot sticky apshalt oil in a 
sprayer to spray down the T patch prior to dumping hot mix on it and 
compacting.  The guy running the sprayer was almost empty so he sprayed some of 
the gravel on the edges of the road surface in the gravel empty his machine.  
Not sure why he wanted to empty it as normally they just shut off the burner 
and pump and add more the next day.


An inspector came out and made us do defcon 1 full hazmat clean up job where he 
emptied his sprayer.  


Then the next year they chip sealed that road.  That involves laying down rock 
chips and spraying the whole road and a portion of the shoulder with the exact 
same hot sticky asphalt oil mix we got in trouble for the year before.  Same 
inspector was there.  I got out and asked why UDOT can do it and we cannot, is 
the UDOT hot asphalt oil less hazardous.  He told me to get off his work site 
or I would be arrested.


From: Bill Prince 

Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 9:56 AM

To: <>  

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political


but it's organic.


On 5/23/2022 8:05 AM, <>  wrote:

“kile (with an I not a Y and woke parents) doesn't believe asphalt and concrete 
are environmentally friendly”


Well an asphalt road is kind of like a really long oil spill




From: AF On Behalf Of Steve Jones
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2022 2:35 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political


Most libertarians I know are just crybabies. They want the benefits of 
governance without the costs. In a libertarian society to have a 100 mile road, 
you would destroy your car every trip because there would be no single 
governing body to maintain it in a consistent manner. Sure we have road issues 
now, but every property line you cross would be a new road. And if john at mile 
6 like cobblestone, its cobblestone, and you know keith at mile 23 is gonna 
charge a 42 dollar toll, kile (with an I not a Y and woke parents) doesn't 
believe asphalt and concrete are environmentally friendly, so mile 36 is made 
of soy and has long since been eaten by animals, paul at mile 52 is a dick and 
stores all his nails on his road, then Greg up at mile 99 he doesn't like 
people so he put boulders across his mile.

These fools are just kid brains who want no government of someone else's, they 
want their government based on their current whim. Most of their arguments 
break down after a little long term logic.


I also forgot to mention, just like wiping your ass, it's best to not push too 
hard on a 2022 liberal, you'll just end up pushing through to a fingerful of 


On Fri, May 20, 2022, 12:53 PM Sean Heskett < 
<> > wrote:

Yeah the libertarian platform I agree with, the Koch brothers and the 
(Ron/Rand) Paul family are too far out there in whackadoodle land for me.





On Fri, May 20, 2022 at 7:02 AM < 
<> > wrote:

I read the Libertarian part platform and thought I could be on board.  I 
registered as Libertarian and carried the card in my wallet.  

…..and then I met the other libertarians.  Some I can relate with and some 
others are absolutely insane.  


From: AF < <> > On Behalf 
Of Jason McKemie
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 6:47 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group < <> >
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political


Yeah, the nutjobs ruined that designation. I used to partially identify as 
libertarian, I don't do that anymore.

On Thursday, May 19, 2022, Sean Heskett < 
<> > wrote:

Here in ColoRADo voting libertarian ends up getting people like Lauren Bobert 
elected lol :-/


On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 9:15 AM Josh Luthman < 
<> > wrote:

It's not a throwaway vote!!!!  You have to vote libertarian if you want a 


On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 11:06 AM Sean Heskett < 
<> > wrote:

<Say in the voice of Mr. Mackey from South Park> 


Mmmkay everyone, all you “woke” people are tried and cranky, y’all need to go 
back to bed and get some rest.




(For the record I’m registered independent , socially liberal, fiscally 
conservative, I would vote libertarian if it wasn’t a throwaway vote)




On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 8:53 AM Chuck McCown via AF < 
<> > wrote:

Well, maybe their thin skin needs some toughening up.  Everyone could use some 
more grit.


In my experience, those that feel compelled to “call out” people never affect 
positive change.  And frequently they harm themselves in the trying.  Becoming 
toxic themselves to those they are trying to shame/expose/coerce/educate/put 


What good does it do to tell some red necked construction worker that he is 
being racist?  I just avoid those with views I abhor.  And I try to teach by 
example.  But I never call anyone out.  At work, if they are my employee, I 
address the concern in private.  If they don’t change I fire them.  


Social justice warriors are idiots in my opinion.  They invent a noble cause 
with which to enshroud themselves while acting out in socially impolitic ways, 
a good reason, in their mind,  to be an anarchist.  Look at antifa and proud 


Exact same people, doing the exact same things, for the exact same reasons.  
The ONLY difference is some contrived battle line they are trying to advance.  


From: Cameron Crum 

Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 7:42 AM

To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political


You stirred the liberal hornets nest now, Chuck. 



On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 7:51 AM < 
<> > wrote:

Weirdly opposite here.  My brothers are vocally alt-right.  All ex-military, 
all purport to be Christian.  One is dead from substance abuse and suffered a 
variety of mental health issues.  The surviving two are always broke, angry, 
and unhappy.  I feel like I have to tiptoe around them so they don’t fly off 
the handle about anything.


…..and I’m not at all “woke”.  I just know it’s not for me to pass judgement.


On the other hand, this is NY.  Maybe they feel like they’re the rebels 
fighting the evil liberal death star.  Maybe your kids in Utah feel like 
they’re the rebels fighting the evil Republican death star.




From: AF < <> > On Behalf 
Of Chuck McCown via AF
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 6:11 PM
To: <> 
Cc: Chuck McCown < <> >
Subject: [AFMUG] OT mildly political


Woke, broke, in therapy and crazy unhappy.  


That is how I would describe some of my kids.


The alt right unwoke ones seem to have money and happiness.  


Never expected I would not be able to speak my mind at family dinners just to 
be able to still see some of my kids.  

Feel like I was convicted in absentia, thrown in the hole for a lifetime 
sentence, but taken out of solitary confinement now and then at their whims 
just so they could claim to have compassion on me for a half hour walk in the 
woods.  Maybe longer if I pay for dinner.  


Odd times....

I loved my parents and grandparents.  

Never felt they had to earn it.  

Never would have thought of condemning them for the things they said.  


Funny, I have a sister that lives 1000 miles from me.  Our families were 
separate all while the kids were growing.

But some of hers have done the same things to her.  Using the exact same 


Must have something to do with energy drinks I think. 

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