Which Tesla did you go for? What are they saying for lead time?

> On May 25, 2022, at 4:28 PM, Chuck McCown via AF <af@af.afmug.com> wrote:
> Sorry, I started it.  
> Sometimes it is amusing to watch the Jaime and Steve show.  Ken and Lewis 
> used to join in too but they couldn’t take it anymore.  But we do have the OT 
> in the subject line so you can filter this kind of crap out.  
> But yeah, I think we have all vented now, and trolled the guys that need 
> trolling.  Steve and Jaime got to make their hyperbolic comments.  
> So it is now dead until Lent is over.  Next year’s lent.
> BTW everyone, I ordered a Tesla.  My 4th Leaf lease is coming due in July so 
> I took the leap.  Did a test drive today and really loved it.  I loved the 
> last 10 years of Leafs too but man this is a quantum leap of enjoyment.  

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