Actually NPR is about the only thing I listen to.  

I don’t doubt it happened.  I don’t doubt that any random us govt bureaucracy 
would have also screwed it up that bad.  

From: Chuck Macenski 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 12:28 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Political

There are real immigration issues and they are messy. I am not defending 
anyone, but I don't see that Biden or Obama have much to do with my point.

The Trump administration took kids from their parents with no records that 
would allow them to be reunited:

I think we may be able to agree that it is nearly impossible to prove what 
Trump knew about anything, but this was a marquee issue for him. So perhaps he 
is not evil - he just didn't know (or care) what he was enabling. I guess that 
is a more favorable way to look at it.

P.S. I know you will hate that I am sourcing from NPR, but I am too lazy to 
look up the federal court cases (where the evidence was laid out under oath). 
If you doubt this actually happened *and* it will change your mind, I will dig 
out references to at least one of them. 

On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 12:07 PM Chuck McCown via AF <> wrote:

  This is the part I have trouble with:  “with no intention of ever allowing 
them to be reunited “  
  If that was true then that is evil.  

  I just have a hard time that ever happened like that.  They were separated 
yes.  That there was an intention of a permanent separation?  No.  

  Who wanted to make the separation permanent?  And why?  

  The Biden administration just separated a bunch of kids, flew them to upstate 
NW last week.  Those kids are separated from their parents.  They are farmed 
out to shelters and homes across a tri state area.  Sounds like what you are 
describing to me...  

  So evil if Trump does it but not evil if Biden does it?  

  This also goes for chain link fenced compounds for “visitors”.  

  Obama OK, Trump not OK, Biden OK.  ???

  Kids treated like dogs, oh my!!!  But only when republicans are in the white 
house.  And only on liberal news media.  

  From: Chuck Macenski 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 10:52 AM
  To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Political

  If separating children from their parents (albeit at the border) with no 
intention of ever allowing them to be reunited isn't evil, I may not understand 
the word's meaning. 

  On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 10:57 AM Chuck McCown via AF <> wrote:

    Yes, indeed, look at the vaccination rates between the right and left.  

    69% of our nation is now fully vaxxed two shots or more and 80% have 
received at least one shot.  

    So if you figure 100% of liberals are vaxed accounting for 50% of those 
vaxxed, that leaves the 30% of the total for the conservatives which would be 
60% of the conservatives.  And that means all libs were vaxed.  Libs not vaxed 
add to that 60% number.  In polls separating blues and red vax rates there was 
only 10% difference between them.  So probably 65-70% of conservatives have 
received at least one shot.  That is not a large percentage of anti vax  to me. 
 This is old, from one year ago:

    I do believe there is a concerted effort by fringe elements to introduce 
subjects to elementary students that have no place in public schools.  
Especially that fringe group that is attracted to children.  To even talk about 
things like that plant ideas in the heads of kids.  So yes, a long play 
grooming effort would be an apt moniker for such attempts.  They are rare but 
they are happening.  One of my daughters teaches jr high science.  She is 
forced to help kids that want to transition and she is prevented from telling 
parents by the school district.  

    In any event, fringe is what 5th std deviation?  4th?  3rd?  Anti vaxers 
are probably second deviation.  So, yeah, not really fringe but in a minority.  
I don’t get them at all.  They are all about latent side effects that 
eventually will kill and the experimental nature of the vaccine.  Hey, all 
vaccines are experimental and have side effects.  Wonder what they say when an 
MRNA compound created by a computer cures their cancer someday...  I have a 
good friend, anti vax to the max, he has long covid and is about dead from it.  
Has had it for most of the year.  Still and anti vaxxer and denying he actually 
has covid.  

    I don’t consider Trump evil, just blinded by his own megalomania and stupid 
enough to enjoy the attention of sycophants.  He seems incapable of critical 
thinking.  But hey, he is a TV personality, a showman, PT Barnum.  Who knows 
what he really thinks.  He plays for the ratings.  

    He did do some good things. None of which will ever get play on MSNBC or 

    From: Darin Steffl 
    Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 9:04 AM
    To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
    Cc: Chuck McCown 
    Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Political


    The craziest conspiracy theories are probably believed by a small number of 
people, sure. But larger conspiracies like the covid vaccine will kill you is 
believed by a much larger percentage of Republicans. Just look at vaccine rates 
between the right and left. Many also believe rumors that all kids are being 
groomed in schools, there's litter boxes for kids that identify as a furry, 
that schools are teaching kids how to be gay, and more. I've talked to enough 
anti-vaxxers that they're not the fringe anymore.

    I live in rural MN and there's some people that have "fu*k Biden" flags or 
"trump won" flags up. A farmer also painted some hay bales that say trump won 
or "keep your guns, rights, and God". People flying an American flag with a 
trump flag right underneath. What they can't see is how un-American that is. I 
can't wait for the day that he passes away and these people see how much of an 
evil person he is.

    I would say that at least a majority of people who still support trump are 
as low as the sewer trash I'm seeing interviewed. Normally good people have 
been indoctrinated into the cult when you actually see them talk about trump. 

    On Tue, Oct 11, 2022, 8:21 AM Chuck McCown via AF <> wrote:

      Very few trump supporters can ce characterized as below.  You are 
sampling the sewage concentrate distilled down be the left.

      Sent from my iPhone

        On Oct 11, 2022, at 12:48 AM, Darin Steffl <> 


        How can anyone say trump loves this country? He hates or is indifferent 
to most everyone in it. He's a narcissist that ONLY cares about himself. He 
doesn't care about you, me, or anyone that disagrees with him. 

        He's tossed aside and stuck his mob of cult followers on anyone who 
disobeys him, including people who work for him in office and during campaigns. 
One mistake and he tells everyone you're worthless or against him, then the 
targets of his hate start receiving death threats from his followers. He's the 
least loyal person in office.

        The people still going to his rallies are mindless sheep. I've watched 
dozens of interviews and the conspiracies people share are insane. JFK Jr is 
still alive, Biden is really Obama with a mask on, 5G is mind control, 
microchips in vaccines, etc. Their IQ levels are lower than low. Anyone with a 
brain sees through trump's lies. I hope his supporters snap out of the hypnosis 

        You're not supposed to worship politicians. I voted for Biden because 
he's a decent human being but I don't make him my entire personality like 
trumpers do. I have no merchandise, I don't think he was sent by God, I don't 
praise him or think he's perfect, I disagree with some things like a normal 
person should.

        2024 better offer us some better choices than Biden/Trump.

        On Tue, Oct 11, 2022, 12:26 AM Rory Conaway <> 

          But you can’t say he doesn’t love this country and did some great 
things for it 😊.


          From: AF <> On Behalf Of Chuck McCown via AF
          Sent: Monday, October 10, 2022 8:31 PM
          To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
          Cc: Chuck McCown <>
          Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Political

          Zero loyalty is a primary feature of Trump.  He would toss his mother 
under the bus.  I have heard AOC say some anti demo stuff.  Not much.

          Sent from my iPhone

            On Oct 10, 2022, at 9:19 PM, Robert <> wrote:

             the way that the trump cult vilifies any other position in the 
_republican_ party is what sets them apart.   Does AOC vilify Biden?

            On 10/10/22 9:25 AM, Darin Steffl wrote:

              The hypocrites on the right LOVE Elon Musk because they think 
he'll reinstate Trump if he buys Twitter but they also HATE EV's with a 
passion. There's plenty of misinformation out there. I have driven a Tesla as 
my daily for 4 years. I had the Model 3 first and now I have the refreshed 2022 
Model S and love both. 

              If you ever want to laugh and cry at some people that have the 
lowest IQs in America and who are attending Trump rallies, search "Jordan 
Klepper trump" on youtube and watch some clips here. It's sad to see how 
"poorly educated" some are. Anyone still supporting him today is part of the 
cult. You can be Republican but not support Trump but anyone else is far gone 
off the deep end.

              On Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 11:07 AM Carl Peterson 
<> wrote:

                My thoughts, and they really are just thoughts on why there is 
a large anti-EV contingent on the right:

                - A lot of hot button "culture war" issues are really being 
pushed by groups with an economic interest in an issue.  In this case it is 
fossil fuel energy which is a trillion dollar industry.  The world is moving 
towards EVs a whole lot faster than a lot in the industry expected.  It isn't 
surprising that wrenches are thrown into the works whenever possible.   

                - Most current EVs are expensive.  Money and liberals are more 
concentrated in urban areas.  It is easy to believe FUD, funded by above, when 
it is targeted at a group that is different form you.  

                On Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 8:32 AM <> wrote:

                  Well the original description was “what is important to be 
taught at school”.  In that context, the chart made no sense at all.

                  If 78% of liberal democrats believe too little time is spent 
on racial issues in school then that does make sense.

                  From: Chuck McCown <> 
                  Sent: Friday, October 07, 2022 4:45 PM
                  To:; 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' 
                  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Political

                  I left out an important detail, that graphic was the “too 
little” response.  

                  Full article can be found in today’s Deseret News.  

                  From: Chuck McCown via AF 

                  Sent: Friday, October 7, 2022 1:00 PM

                  To: ; 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' 

                  Cc: Chuck McCown 

                  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Political

                  The question was as follows:

                  “Do you think schools today spend too much, the right amount 
or too little time teaching about the following topics:”

                  I don’t consider that an ultra inflammatory question.  

                  The source is as follows: 

                  The American Family Survey 2022.  It conducted online to a 
match sample on gender, race, age and education Aug. 8-15, 2022.  The sample 
size is 3,000 and the overall margin of error is +- 1.9%.  

                  There is an ultra liberal college up near Olympia Wa.  
Evergreen State College.  They actually have a faction that teaches that you 
cannot trust science because it teaches concepts that are counter to 
postmodernism.  The extreme left has embraced a fiction that does not stand up 
to scientific scrutiny.  So the extreme left and the extreme right both don’t 
trust science, but for different reasons.  

                  So an ultra liberal might also say, we reject the science of 
statistics and samples and surveys because they just make up imaginary 
numbers... right ‘'

                  In other words, if you don’t believe the results of a survey 
(or an election, which really is also a survey) you just reject it out of hand, 
don’t believe it, it is flawed... ???


                  Sent: Friday, October 7, 2022 11:57 AM

                  To: 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' 

                  Cc: 'Chuck McCown' 

                  Subject: RE: [AFMUG] OT Political


                  I would think nearly 99% of people would think “Math” and 
“Science” should be taught in school, so there must be some kind of relative 
ranking to come up with those percentages.  I don’t believe for a minute that 
only a bare majority of any political party thinks science is important.

                  I’d also guess there was some colorful to the phrasing of the 
survey questions.  If they asked “Should students be taught to respect people 
of all races” the percentages would be high across the board.  You’d have to 
phrase it in some inflammatory way to get that spread. 

                  Anyway it’s cute, but I have questions about the methodology 
used to come up with those numbers.  I wonder if the methodology is “let’s make 
up an imaginary number”.


                  From: AF <> On Behalf Of Chuck McCown 
via AF
                  Sent: Friday, October 07, 2022 12:03 PM
                  Cc: Chuck McCown <>
                  Subject: [AFMUG] OT Political

                  Been too quiet around here.  Thought I would try to ignite 
another brushfire.

                  This graphic explains America and what is wrong with it.

                  Asked of all Americans what is important to be taught at 


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              Darin Steffl 

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