Money sense is a factor. If you are determined to do it cheap then go for it. Keep in mind happy customers means faster ROI. If you are looking at a dense population IE Metro then spend the time and money to deploy a system that will scale well and grow as you add tons of subs without having to add more aps and worry about if you are interfering with your self. The 450 is the simple
answer for me. 2 cents

On 10/17/2014 4:21 PM, Matt Jenkins via Af wrote:
Depends on customer density per AP. If you have low (<25) density, I would recommend ePMP. Otherwise I would recommend 450.

Matthew Jenkins

On 10/17/2014 02:05 PM, TJ Trout via Af wrote:

I haven't been keeping real up to date on current generation ptmp offerings but we have a new site going up and I need to decide pretty quickly on some equipment. For the guys who have been using both 450 and epmp do you have any pros and cons ? Any reason to spend the extra money when epmp seems to have the same if not better performance , sync, etc?

My gut says 450 is going to be my best long term solution but with all of the positive epmp feedback it's hard to justify the extra money?


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