$1500 - $2500 a month is a competitive range.

On 10/29/2014 1:57 PM, Bill Prince via Af wrote:
We have a new subscriber we're providing dedicated 24x24 service right now.

He's asked for a quote for dedicated 100x100 service. The link is ~~ 8.5 miles. Right now, I'm thinking we need to put in a licensed link. The site is active with 2 PMP450 APs, and I do not want to interfere on a site with relatively tight spectrum demands, so anything in 5.8 is out of the question.

I don't really need technical advice, but I'm looking for advice on how to price this. Typically, we charge 30-50 % of the equipment cost and then price the monthly recurring to recover the remaining equipment cost over 12 months. However, I would like to entertain alternatives.

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