Send him a twitter message  @memeticadama

----- Original Message -----
From: "Josh Luthman" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 11:25:51 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium thinks of WISPS

>[09:35] <adama> everyone involved in wireless seems to be literally
retarded when it comes to writing mibs

I wonder if he has a cell phone.

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Daniel White <> wrote:

> I wonder what the Tier 1 wireless carriers would think of that too.  But
> maybe that isn’t their market either.
> ***************************************************************************
> Daniel White - Managing Director
> SAF North America LLC
> Cell: +1 (303) 746-3590
> Skype: danieldwhite
> Social: LinkedIn <>
> ***************************************************************************
> *From:* Af [] *On Behalf Of *That One Guy
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:22 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium thinks of WISPS
> I fucking love this guy! He needs to join the list. Him and Patrick Leary
> can discus wireless
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Lists <> wrote:
> This was on the channel #observium in open public chat (not private). Its
> pruned to take out some joins/parts useless info etc.  I simply asked about
> support for Cambium and now we know exactly what he thinks of  "wifi
> people".   This guy is a true professional.  Funny they think Mikrotik is
> "ghetto".  Sure he makes some valid points about the lack of unity in our
> MIBS.  I liked his product for our infrastructure, switches, routers etc.
> But I think I can get by without his product from now on.  This is the
> luxury of having many independent monitoring systems.  It lacks any real
> alerting system or agents for servers anyway.  I literally started off with
> that sentence.  He added some cambium support a few months ago so I wanted
> to know if more was coming.
> [09:34] <Smeghead> any chance of adding more cambium stuff soon? :)
> [09:34] *<adama> are they another bunch of fucktards who make a new set
> of mibs for every product?*
> [09:35] *<adama> everyone involved in wireless seems to be literally
> retarded when it comes to writing mibs*
> [09:37] *<adama> yup, they are*
> [09:38] <Smeghead> Yeah so I guess we shouldn't support it then and all
> the millions of units out there.
> [09:38] <adama> different set of mibs for every fuckign product
> [09:38] <adama> jesus
> [09:38] <Smeghead> They unified one of their mibs with the regular AP's
> [09:38] <adama> can you english?
> [09:39] <Smeghead> The interface stuff is the same for all of them
> [09:39] <Smeghead> its your standard interface mibs.  Other than that
> really there is MAYBE 10 unique things per different product
> *[09:40] <adama> fucking wifi people*
> [09:40] <adama> you guys have 12903819023810 products from 129381 vendors
> [09:40] <Smeghead> If you want to be thorough with them you could pull all
> sorts of stuff out.
> *[09:40] <adama> and you're always whining that we should support the
> stuff you want*
> *[09:40] <adama> well fuck you all*
> [09:40] <Smeghead> *Yeah thats my fault as a consumer of those products.*
> [09:41] <Smeghead> All I want to do is monitor the best.. Cambium is the
> biggest and most widely used next to Ubiquiti.. so I'd stick to supporting
> those 2 fully
> [09:41] <adama> meh
> *[09:41] <adama> get them to send us hardware*
> *[09:41] <adama> and maybe we'll give a shit*
> *[09:43] <Smeghead> I'll see if we can send you cambium for sure.  I could
> even arrange you a login or set you up a vm on the network so you can probe
> some equipment we have plugged in in a separate environment for you.  *
> *[09:43] <Smeghead> I'm pretty sure I offered a few times.  *
> [09:49] <Smeghead> to be honest though -  I don't think observium is
> really hugely needed for AP's and subcribers.  Maybe starting with just the
> wireless bridges first would be the best start.  That isn't so overwhelming
> [09:57] <adama> you might as well go and hassle jaguar engineers about how
> they really should build a pickup truck
> [09:57] *<adama> i'm a telco/isp network person, i don't give 2 shits
> about wireless*
> *[09:57] <Smeghead> Who do you think delivers internet to the massive
> areas between the major cities?*
> *[09:58] <adama> i dunno, are we talking about retarded countries or not?*
> [09:58] <Smeghead> Yeah all of the Western hemisphere..
> [09:59] <adama> lol
> [09:59] <adama> XD
> *[10:01] <adama> my patience for people asking for wireless stuff ran out
> long ago*
> [10:01] <Smeghead> Well if you want more excuses to neglect a high
> percentage of industry in the world that delivers internet..    yeah take
> this one.  Its probably too hard and too much work for you.  Because the
> wireless industry is retarded.
> [10:01] <adama> i know it is
> [10:02] <Smeghead> Yet I can make some cacti graphs in a few mins for
> anything.  Cacti is old and busted.  Your product is new and refreshing.
> That is why the industry is bugging you.
> [10:04] <adama> go and make some cacti graphs then
> [10:04] <adama> i'm really fucking sick of this shit
> [10:04] <adama> it doesn't take 5 minutes to add support for things
> [10:04] <adama> especially no nfucking wireless stuff
> [10:04] <adama> so just fuck off
> [10:04] <adama> it's not going to happen
> [10:04] <adama> and every one who asks makes it less likely to happen
> [*10:06] <Smeghead> But I'll bet if you asked for help you'd get it.
> Look I was willing to set you up a network with all the devices you need*
> [10:06] <adama> excuse me whilst i replace these 32*10G bundles with some
> wireless
> [10:06] <adama> HURR
> [10:06] <adama> no
> *[10:06] <adama> i'd get a pile of useless shitty code*
> *[10:06] <adama> that's the only thing we've ever gotten from the
> "community"*
> [10:09] <aden> *adama: make Observium -3rd world edition, that only
> supports mikrotik and ghetto wireless hardware*
> [10:09] <adama> hah
> [10:10] <Smeghead> Mainly because its (Mikrotik) like 10% of the price and
> does the same job and even better in many cases.
> [10:11] <adama> no, they use it because it "just about works" and costs
> 10% of the price
> [10:11] <Smeghead> Dragonwave aint ghetto nor some of these other backhaul
> manufacturers.
> [10:12] <Smeghead> and your proof is from what experience?
> [10:12] <Smeghead> Sounds like a case of "they suck over there"  and "I
> know all about them, I've never worked in the industry or actually been a
> part of any of it but I know what I'm talking about".
> [10:13] <Smeghead> Those crazy brown people and their silly ways.  They
> are inferior to us.
> [10:13] <adama> man, this is exactly the kind of shit that made us go
> commercial in the first place
> [10:14] <adama> dude
> [10:14] <adama> just fuck off
> [10:14] <adama> you're getting really tiring now
> [10:14] <Smeghead> It takes 10x more effort to deliver internet to remote
> people.. not to mention flexibility and creativity.
> [10:14] <Smeghead> Than some pompous pricks sitting in their offices
> *[10:15] <adama> so what was that, remove any existing wireless support
> and hope everyone else fucks off too?*
> [10:16] <adama> ok then!
> *[10:16] <Smeghead> Hahh what wireless support?*
> [10:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o adama
> [10:16] * You were kicked by adama (Smeghead)
> Session Close: Tue Mar 31 10:16:22 2015
> --
> If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team
> as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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