"Over 177 separate OS types are currently supported including autodetection
and graphing of sensors from 76 MIBs as well as collection of CPU metrics
from 35 MIBs and memory metrics from 33 MIBs"

Won't add more because of some weird personal grudge?

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Lists <li...@wavedirect.org> wrote:

> Send him a twitter message  @memeticadama
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Josh Luthman" <j...@imaginenetworksllc.com>
> To: af@afmug.com
> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 11:25:51 AM
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium thinks of WISPS
> >[09:35] <adama> everyone involved in wireless seems to be literally
> retarded when it comes to writing mibs
> I wonder if he has a cell phone.
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Daniel White <afmu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I wonder what the Tier 1 wireless carriers would think of that too.  But
> > maybe that isn’t their market either.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ***************************************************************************
> >
> > Daniel White - Managing Director
> >
> > SAF North America LLC
> >
> > Cell: +1 (303) 746-3590
> >
> > daniel.wh...@saftehnika.com
> >
> > Skype: danieldwhite
> > Social: LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/danielwhite84>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ***************************************************************************
> >
> >
> >
> > *From:* Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] *On Behalf Of *That One Guy
> > *Sent:* Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:22 AM
> > *To:* af@afmug.com
> > *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium thinks of WISPS
> >
> >
> >
> > I fucking love this guy! He needs to join the list. Him and Patrick Leary
> > can discus wireless
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Lists <li...@wavedirect.org> wrote:
> >
> > This was on the channel #observium in open public chat (not private). Its
> > pruned to take out some joins/parts useless info etc.  I simply asked
> about
> > support for Cambium and now we know exactly what he thinks of  "wifi
> > people".   This guy is a true professional.  Funny they think Mikrotik is
> > "ghetto".  Sure he makes some valid points about the lack of unity in our
> > MIBS.  I liked his product for our infrastructure, switches, routers etc.
> > But I think I can get by without his product from now on.  This is the
> > luxury of having many independent monitoring systems.  It lacks any real
> > alerting system or agents for servers anyway.  I literally started off
> with
> > that sentence.  He added some cambium support a few months ago so I
> wanted
> > to know if more was coming.
> >
> > [09:34] <Smeghead> any chance of adding more cambium stuff soon? :)
> > [09:34] *<adama> are they another bunch of fucktards who make a new set
> > of mibs for every product?*
> > [09:35] *<adama> everyone involved in wireless seems to be literally
> > retarded when it comes to writing mibs*
> > [09:37] *<adama> yup, they are*
> > [09:38] <Smeghead> Yeah so I guess we shouldn't support it then and all
> > the millions of units out there.
> > [09:38] <adama> different set of mibs for every fuckign product
> > [09:38] <adama> jesus
> > [09:38] <Smeghead> They unified one of their mibs with the regular AP's
> > [09:38] <adama> can you english?
> > [09:39] <Smeghead> The interface stuff is the same for all of them
> > [09:39] <Smeghead> its your standard interface mibs.  Other than that
> > really there is MAYBE 10 unique things per different product
> > *[09:40] <adama> fucking wifi people*
> > [09:40] <adama> you guys have 12903819023810 products from 129381 vendors
> > [09:40] <Smeghead> If you want to be thorough with them you could pull
> all
> > sorts of stuff out.
> > *[09:40] <adama> and you're always whining that we should support the
> > stuff you want*
> > *[09:40] <adama> well fuck you all*
> > [09:40] <Smeghead> *Yeah thats my fault as a consumer of those products.*
> > [09:41] <Smeghead> All I want to do is monitor the best.. Cambium is the
> > biggest and most widely used next to Ubiquiti.. so I'd stick to
> supporting
> > those 2 fully
> > [09:41] <adama> meh
> > *[09:41] <adama> get them to send us hardware*
> > *[09:41] <adama> and maybe we'll give a shit*
> > *[09:43] <Smeghead> I'll see if we can send you cambium for sure.  I
> could
> > even arrange you a login or set you up a vm on the network so you can
> probe
> > some equipment we have plugged in in a separate environment for you.  *
> > *[09:43] <Smeghead> I'm pretty sure I offered a few times.  *
> > [09:49] <Smeghead> to be honest though -  I don't think observium is
> > really hugely needed for AP's and subcribers.  Maybe starting with just
> the
> > wireless bridges first would be the best start.  That isn't so
> overwhelming
> > [09:57] <adama> you might as well go and hassle jaguar engineers about
> how
> > they really should build a pickup truck
> > [09:57] *<adama> i'm a telco/isp network person, i don't give 2 shits
> > about wireless*
> > *[09:57] <Smeghead> Who do you think delivers internet to the massive
> > areas between the major cities?*
> > *[09:58] <adama> i dunno, are we talking about retarded countries or
> not?*
> > [09:58] <Smeghead> Yeah all of the Western hemisphere..
> > [09:59] <adama> lol
> > [09:59] <adama> XD
> > *[10:01] <adama> my patience for people asking for wireless stuff ran out
> > long ago*
> > [10:01] <Smeghead> Well if you want more excuses to neglect a high
> > percentage of industry in the world that delivers internet..    yeah take
> > this one.  Its probably too hard and too much work for you.  Because the
> > wireless industry is retarded.
> > [10:01] <adama> i know it is
> > [10:02] <Smeghead> Yet I can make some cacti graphs in a few mins for
> > anything.  Cacti is old and busted.  Your product is new and refreshing.
> > That is why the industry is bugging you.
> > [10:04] <adama> go and make some cacti graphs then
> > [10:04] <adama> i'm really fucking sick of this shit
> > [10:04] <adama> it doesn't take 5 minutes to add support for things
> > [10:04] <adama> especially no nfucking wireless stuff
> > [10:04] <adama> so just fuck off
> > [10:04] <adama> it's not going to happen
> > [10:04] <adama> and every one who asks makes it less likely to happen
> > [*10:06] <Smeghead> But I'll bet if you asked for help you'd get it.
> > Look I was willing to set you up a network with all the devices you need*
> > [10:06] <adama> excuse me whilst i replace these 32*10G bundles with some
> > wireless
> > [10:06] <adama> HURR
> > [10:06] <adama> no
> > *[10:06] <adama> i'd get a pile of useless shitty code*
> > *[10:06] <adama> that's the only thing we've ever gotten from the
> > "community"*
> > [10:09] <aden> *adama: make Observium -3rd world edition, that only
> > supports mikrotik and ghetto wireless hardware*
> > [10:09] <adama> hah
> > [10:10] <Smeghead> Mainly because its (Mikrotik) like 10% of the price
> and
> > does the same job and even better in many cases.
> > [10:11] <adama> no, they use it because it "just about works" and costs
> > 10% of the price
> > [10:11] <Smeghead> Dragonwave aint ghetto nor some of these other
> backhaul
> > manufacturers.
> > [10:12] <Smeghead> and your proof is from what experience?
> > [10:12] <Smeghead> Sounds like a case of "they suck over there"  and "I
> > know all about them, I've never worked in the industry or actually been a
> > part of any of it but I know what I'm talking about".
> > [10:13] <Smeghead> Those crazy brown people and their silly ways.  They
> > are inferior to us.
> > [10:13] <adama> man, this is exactly the kind of shit that made us go
> > commercial in the first place
> > [10:14] <adama> dude
> > [10:14] <adama> just fuck off
> > [10:14] <adama> you're getting really tiring now
> > [10:14] <Smeghead> It takes 10x more effort to deliver internet to remote
> > people.. not to mention flexibility and creativity.
> > [10:14] <Smeghead> Than some pompous pricks sitting in their offices
> > *[10:15] <adama> so what was that, remove any existing wireless support
> > and hope everyone else fucks off too?*
> > [10:16] <adama> ok then!
> > *[10:16] <Smeghead> Hahh what wireless support?*
> > [10:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o adama
> > [10:16] * You were kicked by adama (Smeghead)
> > Session Close: Tue Mar 31 10:16:22 2015
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team
> > as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.
> >

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