Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Apr 7, 2015 1:56 PM, "Chuck McCown" <> wrote:

> And it is pretty good stuff too.
> -----Original Message----- From: Ken Hohhof
> Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 11:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium thinks of WISPS
> In related news, PRTG apparently is now free up to 100 sensors.
> -----Original Message----- From: Paul Stewart
> Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 12:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium thinks of WISPS
> So this guy doesn't realize that by complaining about a customer base he
> clearly doesn't want, that he effects the opinion of folks who already own
> his product or might be looking at his product?
> Given his public "bitching" about a certain market share that he clearly
> doesn't understand anything about, I will not be providing him *anymore*
> business - that's for sure!  Why would I want to associate myself with an
> immature, unprofessional, "little kid" ?
> -p
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Af [] On Behalf Of Observium Connoisseur
> Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 1:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium thinks of WISPS
> He's making more friends over at the UBNT forum.  Its an EPIC meltdown.
> The
> guy has just literally lost his marbles.
> Armstrong-of-Observium-thinks-of-WISPS/td-p/1219320/page/3
> Looks like some of it may have been taken down. But here's a nice entry
> post
> by Adam.  I guess we are irrelevant...
> --------------
> "Let me put this another way.
> You guys wanted something from me, but you didn't get it. The ensuing
> toys-from-pram tantrum has really done nothing to negatively effect me, but
> it has pretty much ensured that Observium, as an organisation, has lost all
> interest in catering to your requirements.
> It doesn't matter to us financially, you guys are probably less than 1% of
> our user base. You're statistically irrelevant. We actually had the best
> sales day today that we've had in the past 30 days.
> At the end of the day, acting like petulent pre-schoolers and deciding to
> inflict the stone-age horrors of Cacti or LibreNMS on yourselves because
> you
> don't like me, well, that just makes me happy, since it hurts you to a
> level
> of which I would be incable whilst having no negative effects on those
> WISPs.
> Also, this thread is so ram-packed with factual inaccuracies and basic
> failures at comprehending words that I'm not at all surprised that this
> nonsense happened.
> Have fun cutting off your nose to spite your face!"
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Glen Waldrop" <>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2015 3:19:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium thinks of WISPS
> He's going to be making friends all over with stuff like this...
> [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:20:31] the wireless industry seems
> to be rammed full of overly entitled douches
>  ----- Original Message -----  From: That One Guy /sarcasm
>  To:
>  Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2015 1:24 PM
>  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium thinks of WISPS
>  I like this observium guy
>  On Apr 4, 2015 5:53 PM, "Jon Auer" <> wrote:
>    Until I see evidence to the contrary (just did a svn up and no wisp gear
> has been removed...) I'm treating that entire exchange as the internet
> equivalent of some drunk (Smeg) walking up to you(Adam) in the bar and
> grabbing your arm and saying have your wife dance with me. You're like,
> that's her choice and she says no. Repeating as the night goes on.
> Eventually maybe you snap, say some unkind things because you want the
> drunk
> to get lost and he just isn't taking the hint.
>    That wasn't the first IRC exchange between them and others. Adam's
> volatility is well known but in this case I believe he was sorely provoked.
>    We've all experienced the client from hell. Thing is, maybe some of us
> are the client from hell.
>    What happened in IRC after may help understand where he is coming
> from...
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <BenA> [09:18:33] While I completely
> understand that you're the author and shit, and what you say goes.
> period...
> wasn't that a bit of an overreaction?
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:18:56] BenA: you have no fucking
> idea
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <BenA> [09:19:05] I don't, it's true.
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:19:06] these people will not
> take no for an answer
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:19:07] they go on
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:19:08] and on
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:19:09] and on
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:19:10] and on
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <BenA> [09:19:20] Couldn't you just, like,
> look away from the screen?
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:19:23] BUT MUH SUPPORT, MILLIONS
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:19:32] couldn't you?
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <BenA> [09:19:38] Ask him if he wants to pay.
> if he doesn't, ignore?
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:19:46] oh, they all say they
> want to pay
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <BenA> [09:19:49] Ah.
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:20:10] but when they realise it
> costs more than $5...
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <BenA> [09:20:15] Right.
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:20:31] the wireless industry
> seems to be rammed full of overly entitled douches
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:20:48] whot hink it's totally
> justified that we support evey bit of shitty kit they have
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:20:51] fucking wireless vendors
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:21:00] every new MODEL they
> release has to come with an entirely new set of mibs
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:21:04] it's ridiculous
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <BenA> [09:21:11] You're a victim of your own
> success.
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:21:23] and none of these people
> will ever listen when you tell them
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:21:32] adn they just keep coming
> back and coming back
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:21:35] he's asked here a few
> times
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:21:40] and we've had these
> conversations on the mailing list
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:21:44] and god knows what else
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:22:02] and you'd think
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:22:03] when someone says
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:22:07] "fuck off, it's not going
> to happen"
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:22:13] you'd realise that was,
> well, that
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <BenA> [09:22:53] I guess he really sees the
> advantages of Observium, and is keen for you to have further market
> penetration... over your express wishes (-:
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:23:06] no, he's keen to have his
> own pet hardware supported
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <BenA> [09:23:12] That too.
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:23:21] we already support 4
> different families of cambium kit
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:23:28] but apparently that
> doesn't include the devices he has
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:23:44] and i'm sure if i
> checked, we'd only have like 2-3 users using cambium kit
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <BenA> [09:24:52] You could spend a few dozen
> man months of eye-straining, back-breaking labour adding in some kind of
> horribly complex and fucked up extensible API for 3rd party MIBs, and then
> telling people they can add whatever the fuck support/devices they like,
> but
> there's no support for it.
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:25:06] or not
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <BenA> [09:25:14] Party-pooper.
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <BenA> [09:25:39] And people said you were a
> nice guy.
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:25:46] rarely
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:25:55] and even more rarely in
> here \o/
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:26:49] we have 3 cambium ptp400
> devices and 5 cambium ptp800 devices
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:27:00] in our entire userbase
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:27:24] 1086 cambium canopy
> devices
>    [2015-04-04T01:39:59-0500] <@adama> [09:27:31] but, ofc, he said they
> weren't important and not to bother with them
>    On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 7:46 AM, Mike Hammett <> wrote:
>      I had got the impression that he didn't even want user contributions.
>      -----
>      Mike Hammett
>      Intelligent Computing Solutions
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      From: "Jon Auer" <>
>      To: "Animal Farm" <>
>      Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 2:59:53 AM
>      Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium thinks of WISPS
>      It's more than just OIDs, adding device support involves a fair amount
> of fiddly little things. Finding/cropping icon, regex to match the
> OS/device
> type to handle it correctly, logic to handle the device-specific things,
> logic to work around whatever they broke in the MIB (remember when Cambium
> returned strings instead of ints for some counters?). Then more testing.
>      That's what makes Observium more useful out of the box than something
> like Cacti where you're adding OIDs onesey twosey to device templates.
>      I think a big part of his reaction is, if you watch IRC, for the past
> few months to years there have been people asking for WISP features and
> pretty much nobody in a place to write code to do it. My guess is he is
> time
> constrained and would rather work on other things (hence non-responsiveness
> to offers of money) combined with not wanting to deal with what could be
> perceived as self-entitled communication from some users.
>      The hostile reaction to WISP gear:
>      CMMMicro is a switch that doesn't even use the switch MIB -> Work done
> to support WISP devices doesn't pay off in helping support other
> Enterprise/Wireline devices.
>      Cambium is extra special because they version the PMP MIB against OS
> rev instead of starting out with a well-designed MIB as spec and fixing OS
> to match. The easy way out is to ignore that and use the latest but what
> happens when Cambium updates something? Bug reports from users on new OS
> complaining that something doesn't work. You update and now there's bug
> reports from the users that want to stay on old OS for a while. The hard
> way? Handle every OS rev differently/code gardening responsibility? You
> just
> can't win.
>      <I digress>
>      So, WISP gear, he doesn't need it and doesn't care. I need it and care
> so I write what I need. I may not  appreciate the politics of Observium but
> I'm being pragmatic. I contributed what little Cambium PMP device support
> there is in Observium currently and I have more devices I'd like to see
> supported. If the time comes that my contributions are turned away I'll
> look
> for another monitoring solution, not out of spite but because I need to
> monitor all the things.
>      There may come a time when I move to LibreNMS. They seem to have
> openness & saying yes down but I want to see how they handle saying no to
> extraneous things/feature creep beyond monitoring metrics (e.g. if it were
> me, allow/keep rancid integration but just say no to generalized IPAM).
>      You can't please everyone and who/how they choose to please will be
> insightful.
>      </I digress>
>      On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 5:06 PM, Mike Hammett <>
> wrote:
>        Do we know why Adam blows up whenever people specify OIDs they want
> to track? I've never bothered to figure it out myself. He made it seem like
> hte OID was such a small part of everything that needed to be done.
>        -----
>        Mike Hammett
>        Intelligent Computing Solutions
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>        From: "Neil Lathwood" <>
>        To:
>        Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:08:23 PM
>        Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium thinks of
>        On 31 March 2015 at 19:04, WaveDirect <> wrote:
>          Yeah you should accept at least equipment donations :)  Some of us
> may have spares we can part with and after you are done sell them to help
> buy other products you want to support.
>        The donation of equipment is a huge ++++. It wouldn't be necessary
> to send the kit anywhere just provide snmp access, that way we can see what
> data is available and work on adding support.
>        Thanks,
>        Neil

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