I'm also quite confused on some people using low gain antennas for this. At
a minimum, people should be using 25 db dish antennas. We plan on using
minimum 30 db dishes on these links to improve link budget and block noise
with the narrower beam. Why all of a sudden 2-3 people are using panel
antennas is beyond me. We don't have one panel antenna in our network and
not sure why we'd ever start either.

Dishes all the way!

On Sat, Apr 18, 2015 at 11:30 PM, Peter Kranz <pkr...@unwiredltd.com> wrote:

> PS. You might want to consider water proofing that GPS connector as well..
> They way that boot works has always made me feel like it’s a perfect water
> cup.

Darin Steffl
Minnesota WiFi
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