Well thanks for being the guinea pig Bill. I have a sector with a couple P8 SMs. Awesome. I haven't started updating anything to 13.4 yet though. Sure will be fun getting the P9s on that AP to update since P7, P8 and P9 is a one-shot deal.

On 7/8/2015 10:06 PM, Bill Prince wrote:
We did another couple groups of updates to 13.4 last night. On one sector we had a couple of very low volume users on P8 FSK. Both of them bricked.

Well, not exactly bricked. We should have updated them to newer hardware a long time ago, and since they were not heavy users, it really was not a priority item.

So we swapped them out today, and brought them back to the shop. Turns out you could bring them back to life if you default them. Cool I thought. However, as soon as you apply a "real" configuration, they revert to brick mode. No ethernet, no life. You can re-reset them and bring them back. So I defaulted one, and downgraded to 13.1.3, and all is well, or as well as a P8 can be.

Not real valuable, but if you have some old P8 FSK still running anywhere, I do not recommend you try 13.4 on them.


On 7/2/2015 2:11 PM, Ryan Ray wrote:
Who's gonna be the first guinea pig? Make sure to do a 1000 unit upgrade and let us know how it goes :P

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