Actually no. I just made some basic changes. Set color code, turn on NAT, remove the admin user, set bandwidth shaping.

It didn't like something. Just not sure what, because once I changed it, it was opaque.


On 7/9/2015 4:03 PM, George Skorup wrote:
I assume you're talking about uploading and applying a config file? Maybe there's something in it that's incompatible with the P8?

So now we wait for 13.4.1......

ducking :o

On 7/9/2015 11:32 AM, Bill Prince wrote:
What I did with what appeared to be a bricked radio was just insert the default plug. The unit then came back to life. Once I was able to access the device, I pushed the "Reset to factory defaults" button, saved the configuration, pulled the default plug, and rebooted. At that point I could still access the unit. I then applied the configuration and rebooted. It did not come back; no ethernet, no RF. I did re-reset it, and it came back again.


On 7/9/2015 9:04 AM, Mark Radabaugh wrote:
I wasn't the one investigating the P8's that came back. It's possible Matt just started with a default plug with the ones he was looking at so it's entirely possible.


On 7/9/15 11:51 AM, Bill Prince wrote:
I didn't look at the frequency checklist. However, after I apply the configuration, the ethernet link goes completely off (as if it were turned off). So it's impossible to get any data as to what is actually happening inside. No ethernet link, no RF link.

Once it's defaulted, it appears "normal".

I did not try to selectively apply "parts" of the configuration. That would be an adventure....


On 7/9/2015 8:44 AM, Mark Radabaugh wrote:
It appears the update to 13.4 clears all of the frequencies in a P8 radio which makes it not associate. Reselect the frequencies and they are fine. Obviously not good for your truck roll schedule.


On 7/9/15 1:53 AM, George Skorup wrote:
Well thanks for being the guinea pig Bill. I have a sector with a couple P8 SMs. Awesome. I haven't started updating anything to 13.4 yet though. Sure will be fun getting the P9s on that AP to update since P7, P8 and P9 is a one-shot deal.

On 7/8/2015 10:06 PM, Bill Prince wrote:
We did another couple groups of updates to 13.4 last night. On one sector we had a couple of very low volume users on P8 FSK. Both of them bricked.

Well, not exactly bricked. We should have updated them to newer hardware a long time ago, and since they were not heavy users, it really was not a priority item.

So we swapped them out today, and brought them back to the shop. Turns out you could bring them back to life if you default them. Cool I thought. However, as soon as you apply a "real" configuration, they revert to brick mode. No ethernet, no life. You can re-reset them and bring them back. So I defaulted one, and downgraded to 13.1.3, and all is well, or as well as a P8 can be.

Not real valuable, but if you have some old P8 FSK still running anywhere, I do not recommend you try 13.4 on them.


On 7/2/2015 2:11 PM, Ryan Ray wrote:
Who's gonna be the first guinea pig? Make sure to do a 1000 unit upgrade and let us know how it goes :P

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