Well then, best of luck in your endeavors!

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Brett A Mansfield <
li...@silverlakeinternet.com> wrote:

> The research I did was very extensive. Wispmon in particular has their
> pricing right on their website (which I love by the way. I wish everyone
> would).
> You say that billing is the most important part of my business. I
> respectfully disagree. It is actually one of the least important. The
> product I'm selling is by far the most important, and the customer service
> is next. Billing only happens after the first two are met.
> You mentioned several other things:
> *"I'm curious to what other systems you have in place that handle things
> like mapping, monitoring, FCC reporting, sales tracking, prospect
> qualification, inventory management, ip management, work orders, trouble
> tickets, scheduling, provisioning, automated suspension and payments,
> reporting, and more in addition to billing?"*
> With the small size of my company this is all very easily managed with
> simple (and free) spreadsheets. So this argument is irrelevant to me.  When
> I get to a size where it is no longer easily managed, then and only then
> will I start to pay for a service that can provide that (it will not be
> until then that my business can afford to pay for it).
> You then offer advice to pay for this stuff from the beginning. Not
> everyone is going to model their business in the way you think or society
> thinks it should be. My business model is very, very different from the
> norm. It's people that deviate from the "accepted standard", the ones that
> think outside the box, that tend to do really well. My idea of success and
> my idea of what and how a business should operate are not the same as
> yours.
> Billing is something that should not be this difficult and expensive. Why
> should I pay 5% of my revenue to someone that does nearly nothing??? If I
> take what wispmon charges, add that to what it cost me to run a payment,
> and then take out my operating costs, the likelihood of there being much
> left is very low. The credit card companies already steal almost 3% before
> I even pay the gateway company. Why are there so many different people
> involved to make is to I can collect $45 from my customer?
> I really like what stripe, swipe, and PayPal have done by basically taking
> one of the people out of that. The only problem is that they aren't set up
> well for monthly recurring payments. That is what I intend to close the gap
> on.
> Anyone who charges by the sub or has a monthly minimum so high that it
> isn't worth it does not have a business model I agree with.
> I had seriously considered wispmon, but quickly ruled them out as soon as
> I realized that you charge more for BYO Merchant account. I already have a
> merchant account and have no interest in paying $200 to sign up for a new
> one I have no experience with, or pay en extra $0.30 per sub per month
> because I want to use someone I already use and trust.
> Another problem with Wispmon is that the main website looks like it was
> built by using someone's free template that was simply modified old using
> basic HTML code. If that is the impression I get from the main website,
> what kind of product could they possibly be giving me? Will it look good?
> Will it be based on old code too? Will it be easy to use? Too many
> questions right off the bat. I'm not at all saying that this is how it is,
> just saying that perception is reality. My first impression wasn't good, so
> that sets the tone for the rest.
> You then went on to give me unsolicited advice as if to tell me how to be
> running my business. My question was not why I should or shouldn't do
> something, it was simply what options are out there. I've asked this
> question several times and have done very extensive research on several
> products. I didn't go that deep into wispmon because of my very first
> impressions. And now after the email you sent out I will never consider it
> again in the future.
> Thank you,
> Brett A Mansfield
> On Dec 9, 2015, at 2:05 PM, Cameron Crum <cc...@wispmon.com> wrote:
> I'm curious what your review consisted of? To my knowledge, you never
> contacted us to ask any questions even after an offlist invitation. It
> seems if you are going to the trouble of creating something new, you would
> at least perform an exhaustive analysis meaning you are talking to someone
> to ask questions. I understand you think that perhaps the most important
> piece of your business should be free or close to it, but is that really
> where you want to skimp? Having owned a wisp for 8 years starting in 2003
> and sold to JAB in 2010, and actually been where you think you are now,
> when there really were few platforms available, I would have jumped at the
> chance to pay under $1 (or maybe slightly more) per sub to have all the
> capability that most of the current systems currently have. I'm curious to
> what other systems you have in place that handle things like mapping,
> monitoring, FCC reporting, sales tracking, prospect qualification,
> inventory management, ip management, work orders, trouble tickets,
> scheduling, provisioning, automated suspension and payments, reporting, and
> more in addition to billing? If you are using separate systems for all of
> these things, then it is probably costing you more than what you would pay
> for a single platform which does all of these things. I know you say you
> are small and if you are doing all of these things manually or with
> multiple platforms, there will be a day when that won't scale and you will
> either be killing yourself trying to keep up, or spending far more than you
> think to make it all work. My advice would be to do a bit more real
> research before you dig into rolling your own. Talk to people who have been
> in your shoes and were adverse to spending money on a good system. I tell
> people who are evaluating different systems, that even if they don't choose
> us, choose one of the ones out there. If you are just getting started, it
> is the best decision you will make. It is much easier to get in at the
> beginning than to convert later. The hardest part of being a self-starting
> entrepreneur is knowing when to let go of certain things and either pay
> someone to do them, or pay to get them out of the way so you can get down
> to growing your business. This I know for sure, as it is the hardest part
> for me.
> Cameron
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 11:48 AM, Brett A Mansfield <
> li...@silverlakeinternet.com> wrote:
>> To be clear, this will not be a standard in any way. It's just to fill a
>> need where I see one. Something for the little guys like myself. This will
>> not be a solution for those big customers since it will be limited to
>> billing/CRM.
>> I'm not doing this for profit. I'm doing this on the side and the numbers
>> should make it break even.
>> Eric, I really like that comic strip, it is exactly what I was thinking
>> when I thought of doing this. Haha.
>> There is NOTHING on the market like it though. Something that works, that
>> is nearly free, that is for the very small guys where every single penny
>> counts.
>> If nobody in the world uses this system but me, then I'll still feel it
>> was worth my time. My partners are volunteering their time and so am I, so
>> our cost will be very low to develop this.
>> Thank you,
>> Brett A Mansfield
>> On Dec 9, 2015, at 10:30 AM, Josh Luthman <j...@imaginenetworksllc.com>
>> wrote:
>> Good luck.  It certainly has been tried before...
>> Josh Luthman
>> Office: 937-552-2340
>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>> 1100 Wayne St
>> Suite 1337
>> Troy, OH 45373
>> On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 12:27 PM, Brett A Mansfield <
>> li...@silverlakeinternet.com> wrote:
>>> So, after a lot of review of every billing solution I can find out
>>> there, I've come to the conclusion that there is no good billing system.
>>> Everything out there either requires you use their merchant, has a minimum
>>> monthly cost, or isn't really designed for the ISP. Even the stuff that has
>>> come out most recently isn't a good fit.
>>> For those of you who are smaller and don't want to pay a monthly
>>> minimum, or want to use your choice of merchant, or don't want to pay a per
>>> user charge, something new will be coming soon!
>>> I've spoken to a few proven software engineers in the financial side of
>>> things and we are partnering up to develop a new ISP billing software. It
>>> will be turnkey, very easy to use, and can be deployed either by you on
>>> your servers, or can be hosted on ours. It will only handle
>>> billing/invoicing and CRM/ticketing. Best of all, it's practically free!
>>> More details to come. I'll keep you posted when we have more info.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Brett A Mansfield
>>> On Dec 7, 2015, at 5:58 PM, Mike Hammett <af...@ics-il.net> wrote:
>>> Welcome to 2014?
>>> -----
>>> Mike Hammett
>>> Intelligent Computing Solutions
>>> http://www.ics-il.com
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/ICSIL>
>>> <https://plus.google.com/+IntelligentComputingSolutionsDeKalb>
>>> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/intelligent-computing-solutions>
>>> <https://twitter.com/ICSIL>
>>> Midwest Internet Exchange
>>> http://www.midwest-ix.com
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/mdwestix>
>>> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/midwest-internet-exchange>
>>> <https://twitter.com/mdwestix>
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From: *"Adam Moffett" <dmmoff...@gmail.com>
>>> *To: *af@afmug.com
>>> *Sent: *Monday, December 7, 2015 1:32:33 PM
>>> *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] Need new billing solution asap!!!
>>> Ubiquiti has a CRM?
>>> On 12/7/2015 2:27 PM, Brett A Mansfield wrote:
>>> It's funny you mentioned waveapps. That is what I started out with. It
>>> was a disaster. And the fact they don't allow multiple email addresses for
>>> recurring invoices was a major deal breaker for me.
>>> I've since moved to UBNTs airCRM. It is an excellent setup on paper, but
>>> is seriously lacking currently and is very erratic. I need something solid,
>>> secure, and that I don't have to worry about all the time.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Brett A Mansfield
>>> On Dec 7, 2015, at 12:08 PM, Joshaven Mailing Lists <
>>> <lis...@joshaven.com>lis...@joshaven.com> wrote:
>>> Plat has excellent support
>>> In my opinion, the problems with plat are:
>>> 1) The user interface is a pain in the butt and generally discouraging.
>>> 2) The software depends on a Windows platform and even worse direct
>>> database connections from the client.
>>> 1) In most places when you want to alter something like customer data
>>> you have to click on the field to edit  from a table and then go to the top
>>> to make the change in something that is like an address bar… of course you
>>> can get used to this but Plat is full of non-user friendly quirks like
>>> this.  It reminds me of what it feels like to go back and use Windows 95 or
>>> Windows 3.1 when I am used to modern operating systems.  The system feels
>>> almost like directly editing a database except that the software does
>>> enforce logical edits so it is not nearly as dangerous as direct database
>>> minupulation.
>>> 2) If you want to run a good highly available platform then you will be
>>> spending a lot on software licensing with Microsoft.  What is the going
>>> rate for a MSSQL cluster now of days?  Of course you can throw this on old
>>> rusty crusty in a closet and run the free version of MSSQL but we are
>>> carriers not hacks right?  Also you are depending on ODBC database
>>> connections between your clients and the server.  Opening direct database
>>> connections to my billing server gives me the creeps even if it is only
>>> open to a network under my administration.  I’m a fan of local host db
>>> access only except for database peers.  I would really like to see ISP
>>> billing software be web based using standard https protocols and having no
>>> client side dependencies like odbc configurations and client executables.
>>> Try using Plat on a tablet… I don’t want my billing platform holding back
>>> my ability to creatively design my installation process…
>>> I feel like I am ragging on Plat… maybe I am a bit but I want to
>>> underscore their support.  They are truly exceptional to work with and you
>>> can rely on their platform.  Just don’t expect to enjoy using it.  If you
>>> like function over form then you may be a perfect match for Plat… I just
>>> wish they would do some magic to address the above two complaints.
>>> My recommendation to them is to become database & OS agnostic (at least
>>> MySQL or MSSQL and run on Apache) and to make the client interface be 100%
>>> standards compliment browser based.  I suspect if they don’t do this they
>>> will find themselves with a EOL product in the next few years.
>>> Right now there are really good options emerging like WaveApps.  Wave
>>> offers free billing including credit card processing at fair rates.  They
>>> don’t fit perfectly with an ISP (yet) but they are promising an API which
>>> means that a good solutions provider can crank out an integrations solution
>>> with Wave for front end billing.  I am also super excited to see what Sonar
>>> has to offer.  I hope their offer is solid and we have a glorious solution…
>>> At any rate I am waiting with bated breath to see where this lands over
>>> the next few months.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Joshaven Potter
>>> Google Hangouts: yourt...@gmail.com
>>> Cell & SMS: 1-517-607-9370
>>> supp...@joshaven.com
>>> On Dec 7, 2015, at 9:47 AM, Chuck Hogg <ch...@shelbybb.com> wrote:
>>> I can setup Platypus for billing only in less than an hour, including
>>> setting up plans/rates/services/importing customers.
>>> Regards,
>>> Chuck
>>> On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 3:42 PM, Josh Luthman <
>>> <j...@imaginenetworksllc.com>j...@imaginenetworksllc.com> wrote:
>>>> That get's to be a little in depth and probably a loaded question...but
>>>> I know when we moved to Powercode the old team that wasn't very good had it
>>>> done in one afternoon.  This was from Quickbooks.
>>>> Josh Luthman
>>>> Office: 937-552-2340
>>>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>>>> 1100 Wayne St
>>>> Suite 1337
>>>> Troy, OH 45373
>>>> On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 3:37 PM, Ken Hohhof < <af...@kwisp.com>
>>>> af...@kwisp.com> wrote:
>>>>> Are you including database conversion?  Items, customers, current
>>>>> balances, recurring billing, credit cards, etc.
>>>>> Then there’s setting up the online customer payment portal.
>>>>> Especially if customers already had online accounts.  And you need to hook
>>>>> it into your merchant account, put your logo on it, test it, etc.
>>>>> *From:* Josh Luthman <j...@imaginenetworksllc.com>
>>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, December 05, 2015 2:24 PM
>>>>> *To:* <af@afmug.com>af@afmug.com
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Need new billing solution asap!!!
>>>>> I'm simply saying 2 days is a long time to setup a billing system.
>>>>> For someone that wants it running "immediately" 2 days is a LONG time.
>>>>> Josh Luthman
>>>>> Office: 937-552-2340
>>>>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>>>>> 1100 Wayne St
>>>>> Suite 1337
>>>>> Troy, OH 45373
>>>>> On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Philip Rankin <
>>>>> <wireless...@gmail.com>wireless...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey, I'm not in this for an argument.  I am just offering to help a
>>>>>> guy out if I can.  I'll bow out of this conversation.
>>>>>> On Dec 5, 2015 1:37 PM, "Josh Luthman" <
>>>>>> <j...@imaginenetworksllc.com>j...@imaginenetworksllc.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Two days???  Powercode takes like an hour.
>>>>>>> Josh Luthman
>>>>>>> Office: 937-552-2340
>>>>>>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>>>>>>> 1100 Wayne St
>>>>>>> Suite 1337
>>>>>>> Troy, OH 45373
>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 2:34 PM, Philip Rankin <
>>>>>>> <wireless...@gmail.com>wireless...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Guys, I am still a major believer in Tucows Platypus.  Brett, I
>>>>>>>> could have you up and running with Plat in under 2 days as long as you 
>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>> answer speed and pricing questions as I ask them.  And all I would 
>>>>>>>> need is
>>>>>>>> remote access to a Windows 7 computer.  Let me know if you are 
>>>>>>>> interested.
>>>>>>>> Most of the training can be done remotely in less than a day, too.
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 12:55 AM, Simon Westlake <
>>>>>>>> <simon@sonar.software>simon@sonar.software> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I think it is still pretty early on.
>>>>>>>>> On 12/4/2015 6:22 PM, Chuck Hogg wrote:
>>>>>>>>> So I guess it does that...lol.  I wasn't really expecting it to be
>>>>>>>>> like that.
>>>>>>>>> It's not very baked ?  or am I missing something?
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Chuck
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 7:07 PM, Chuck Hogg < <ch...@shelbybb.com>
>>>>>>>>> ch...@shelbybb.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I meant for the admin side?
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Chuck
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 4:27 PM, Faisal Imtiaz <
>>>>>>>>>> <fai...@snappytelecom.net>fai...@snappytelecom.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Just guessing....
>>>>>>>>>>> Drop down on top right, select signup/create account !
>>>>>>>>>>> :)
>>>>>>>>>>> Faisal Imtiaz
>>>>>>>>>>> Snappy Internet & Telecom
>>>>>>>>>>> 7266 SW 48 Street
>>>>>>>>>>> Miami, FL 33155
>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: 305 663 5518 x 232 <305%20663%205518%20x%20232>
>>>>>>>>>>> Help-desk: (305)663-5518 Option 2 or Email:
>>>>>>>>>>> <supp...@snappytelecom.net>supp...@snappytelecom.net
>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> *From: *"Chuck Hogg" < <ch...@shelbybb.com>ch...@shelbybb.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> *To: * <af@afmug.com>af@afmug.com
>>>>>>>>>>> *Sent: *Friday, December 4, 2015 4:25:07 PM
>>>>>>>>>>> *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] Need new billing solution asap!!!
>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone know how to login to his demo?
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Chuck
>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Simon Westlake <
>>>>>>>>>>> <simon@sonar.software>simon@sonar.software> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/spencerlambert/wisp-central-control>
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/spencerlambert/wisp-central-control
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/4/2015 10:08 AM, Jeremy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Isn't Spencer Lambert's web front-end free?  Last time I saw
>>>>>>>>>>>> him at Animal Farm he was touting it and said he would help with 
>>>>>>>>>>>> setup and
>>>>>>>>>>>> customization at a flat rate of $100/hr.  He is located in Utah, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> also.  If
>>>>>>>>>>>> you want something cheap or free that may be an option.  It would 
>>>>>>>>>>>> probably
>>>>>>>>>>>> be worth contacting him.  I recommend Powercode.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Craig Schmaderer <
>>>>>>>>>>>> <cr...@skywaveconnect.com>cr...@skywaveconnect.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been looking at <https://www.whmcs.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.whmcs.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a friend that uses it for his ventrillo voice business
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and it does auto billing and ticketing and is cheap.  I think you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can get a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hosted solution if you don't want to install it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Craig schmaderer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skywave Wireless, Inc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 7:41 AM -0800, "Brett A Mansfield" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <li...@silverlakeinternet.com>li...@silverlakeinternet.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is what I've always said about quality, cheap and fast.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can only pick two. You will never have all three.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> For this I need fast and quality. Cheap is relative in this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> case. I don't have a lot of customers so the $200/mo min that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> visp requires
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is about $100-150 too much for me. I'm fine with a reasonable one 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> time fee,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but it must be reasonable.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I used to use waveapps to just invoice and then customers
>>>>>>>>>>>>> could pay using the invoice. But if they didn't get the email or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lost it,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> they couldn't pay their bill.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I appreciate everyone's input on this. I think I'm going with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> platypus and pay someone to set it up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I like powercode, I just cannot justify the initial cost for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> my small size operation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brett A Mansfield
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 4, 2015, at 7:47 AM, Chris Fabien <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <ch...@lakenetmi.com>ch...@lakenetmi.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Good, cheap,  and fast? You know what they say about that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We are reasonably happy with Powercode. Few gripes but it has
>>>>>>>>>>>>> never double or triple charged our customers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 4, 2015 1:35 AM, "Brett A Mansfield" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <li...@silverlakeinternet.com>li...@silverlakeinternet.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm looking for a good billing solution that is cheap and I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can have up in running immediately.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've had far too many issues with my current billing system.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I need something turnkey and cheap. My WISP is a fairly small
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am not willing to pay per sub, especially if there is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minimum like visp. I don't want to buy any new hardware. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looked at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> platypus, but it cannot be deployed easily or quickly. I looked 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> powercode, but I don't want to buy any new hardware.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is there anything out there that might fit my needs? Or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should I just go back to manual invoicing with quickbooks?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brett A Mansfield
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Simon Westlake
>>>>>>>>>>>> Skype: Simon_Sonar
>>>>>>>>>>>> Email: simon@sonar.software
>>>>>>>>>>>> Phone: (702) 447-1247
>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sonar Software Inc
>>>>>>>>>>>> The next generation of ISP billing and OSShttps://sonar.software
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Simon Westlake
>>>>>>>>> Skype: Simon_Sonar
>>>>>>>>> Email: simon@sonar.software
>>>>>>>>> Phone: (702) 447-1247
>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Sonar Software Inc
>>>>>>>>> The next generation of ISP billing and OSShttps://sonar.software
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Philip J. Rankin
>>>>>>>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>>>>>>>> PO Box 24
>>>>>>>> Pittsburg, KS  66762

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