The top two sections on our office SSV are 5N and 4N. I think it's something like 8-10" of slope over that 40 feet. The 6, 7 and 8N sections are obviously a lot different.

What's funny is that the top two sections weigh more than the bottom three because the tops are solid rod legs and braces. They had all 100 feet of that thing stacked in like 35 minutes. Real tower constructors with an experienced crane operator know how to get shit done son!

I also specifically requested that we did not do the skinny 3, 2, and 1W SSV sections on top and opted for the larger 8N base. Good thing too because I think it would've folded over in the 165+ MPH tornado. In fact, I'm sure it would have.

On 1/4/2016 5:23 PM, Ken Hohhof wrote:
Just saying I thought on a Rohn SSV once you got to the upper sections 1-5 they were straight and all the same face width, but actually there’s a bit of taper to them.
*From:* Jaime Solorza <>
*Sent:* Monday, January 04, 2016 4:31 PM
*To:* Animal Farm <>
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Un-guyed tower
oh okay ...i was going to say that is a Bozo no no
Jaime Solorza
Wireless Systems Architect
On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 3:22 PM, Eric Kuhnke < <>> wrote:

    I think he's talking about mounting radios directly on the tower
    legs, using the radio's mount built in elevation adjustment,
    rather than a standoff mount which is normally needed on a
    tapering self supporting tower.
    On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Jaime Solorza
    < <>> wrote:

        humm?  are you suggesting mating two different model towers?

        Jaime Solorza
        Wireless Systems Architect
        915-861-1390 <tel:915-861-1390>
        On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 3:09 PM, Ken Hohhof <
        <>> wrote:

            Somone pointed out to me that the top sections of an SSV
            are ALMOST straight, not quite.  Close enough for
            government work though.

            -----Original Message----- From: Daniel White
            Sent: Monday, January 04, 2016 3:40 PM
            To: <>
            Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Un-guyed tower

            What about Rohn 55, 65, etc. You can even get creative and
            use the top 50ft of a self supporter where it is straight
            so the legs are much further apart. I like those towers.

            Thank you,

            Daniel White
            Cell: +1 (303) 746-3590 <tel:%2B1%20%28303%29%20746-3590>
            Skype: danieldwhite
            Social: LinkedIn: Twitter

                -----Original Message-----
                From: Af [
                <>] On Behalf Of Jay Weekley
                Sent: Monday, January 4, 2016 10:53 AM
                To: <>
                Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Un-guyed tower

                Yeah, I forgot about needing to be bracketed to a
                building to get over
                20 feet.  Back to the drawing board.

                Bill Prince wrote:
                > Depends on the wind loading. If you have anything
                more than a skinny
                > omni on 25G, I would guy anything above 20'. IOW, no
                more than 20 feet
                > un-guyed. 45G; probably 30'.
                > bp
                > <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
                > On 1/4/2016 7:36 AM, Jay Weekley wrote:
                >> Just for clarification, what are the maximum
                heights, if any, for
                >> un-guyed Rohn 25 and 45 style tower sections?  The
                rumor I've heard
                >> is 40 feet. Is this true?

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