They have done some mind blowing things though. Google Streetview being the best example I can think of off the top of my head. People take Streetview for granted at this point, but it is an absolutely ridiculous achievement, whether you think it's a good thing or not. I always use Google Streetview as an example when I'm talking to people about programming - there are a lot of challenges you can solve with a liberal application of insight and creativity, but the only way to copy Google Streetview is to get cars driving down streets. And before Streetview existed, if you had proposed to someone that you want to photograph every house on every street, they would have said you were absolutely crazy.

I don't agree with everything Google does (and I actually don't use a lot of their products because they have a nasty habit of just giving up on stuff that you've come to rely on) but I really can't criticize them on their accomplishments.

On 2/2/2016 7:27 AM, Lewis Bergman wrote:

Their mapping data is licensed from someone else, or at least it used to be. Maybe they purchased them. Not that they haven't done unique things with it. Im not saying knowledge and information is worthless. I am saying it is much more likely to become so than other types of hard assets. Google is one Google like innovation from becoming Yahoo which has almost become AOL which was the Google of their day. During that time, Exxon and UPR are still in their relative positions. Not sexy but real things moving from where they are to where they are demanded.

On Tue, Feb 2, 2016, 7:03 AM Josh Reynolds < <>> wrote:

    Google owns the world's most popular smart phone, the world's most
    possible search engine, many of the best data comparison and AI
    algorithms, and the most popular device in schools across the
    world - the chromebook.
    Their customers are everyone. It's very possible they have more
    data than any company in the history of the world, with some of
    that info being very private.

    Yes, they are big brother in a way. At least with the data, maybe
    not the implementation of controls.

    Oh, forgot about Google Earth and their mapping programs,
    satellites, etc.

    On Feb 2, 2016 6:56 AM, "Lewis Bergman" <
    <>> wrote:

        The trouble with a valuation as high as Google, and to a
        lesser extent, Apple, is that there is a huge "hype" or
        inflationary affect on the stock price. A company like Exxon
        with real balance sheets representing real assets, a huge,
        diverse workforce capable of building and creating real
        things. Things that would would drastically affect the way the
        world works, lives, plays and behaves every minute of the day
        if they didn't exist.
        Those type of companies have been devalued to the point that
        at certain points their cap rates sometimes reflect a discount
        on their balance sheets. I know when I look at what a Google
        or apple valuation represents that is what I think about and
        what I get from Travis' comments. The fact that there is
        little tangible value in what the company owns. Intangible
        value can easily disappear as quickly as it appeared. Look at

        On Tue, Feb 2, 2016, 6:33 AM Mike Hammett <
        <>> wrote:

            I had a similar experience with a PC. It's not so much
            about the machine, but the intelligence of the operator.

            Mike Hammett
            Intelligent Computing Solutions <>
            Midwest Internet Exchange <>
            The Brothers WISP <>

            *From: *"Travis Johnson" < <>>
            *To: * <>
            *Sent: *Monday, February 1, 2016 11:36:40 PM

            *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] SAD day

            I would use Yahoo or Bing or any other search engine.
            Nothing would change if Google went away tomorrow.

            Blackberries and Android wouldn't even exist if Apple
            hadn't created the first iPhone. Same with tablets... look
            how many people tried tablets before Apple, and they all

            I purchased a Macbook for my daughter headed to college 5
            years ago. She used that laptop literally every day, for
            over 5 years. She graduated with two Bachelor's degrees...
            using that same laptop. Every paper, thousands of emails,
            etc... and she has never had a single issue... no viruses,
            no hardware issues, no software issues. Never a single
            issue. No OS reload, no malware scanners, nothing. It just
            works. Just like all the rest of Apple's products... they
            just work.


            On 2/1/2016 10:28 PM, Josh Luthman wrote:

                The world's most popular site and you don't think the
                world would change? Really???

Apple is gone. People buy Blackberries and Android. Tablets probably won't exist. Mp3 players would
                probably have come to fruition without them.  What
                else do they have?

                Josh Luthman
                Office: 937-552-2340 <tel:937-552-2340>
                Direct: 937-552-2343 <tel:937-552-2343>
                1100 Wayne St
                Suite 1337
                Troy, OH 45373

                On Feb 2, 2016 12:22 AM, "Travis Johnson"
                < <>> wrote:

                    At least Apple makes products... products that
                    literally changed the computing world, the phone
                    world, the retail world, created apps, and the
                    music world. Google created a search engine
                    (actually copying Yahoo, Webcrawler, Altavista and
                    several others at the time). They aren't a
                    "product". They don't "sell" anything. They are a
                    webpage, just like Facebook.

                    Imagine your life without Google or Facebook.
                    NOTHING CHANGES.

                    Yes, they built a better mousetrap using their
                    intelligence and hard work... but they aren't
                    "inventors". They didn't create anything new or


                    On 2/1/2016 10:09 PM, Colin Stanners wrote:

                        I'd much rather Google / Alphabet Inc. be in
                        that position than Apple with their overpriced
                        yet restricted / non-upgradable / crappy
                        consumer electronics.

                        Google is making themselves the curator of
                        access to the world's information and
                        communications. When you consider the value of
                        those, it's not just the most valuable company
                        in matters of money. The founders had
                        incredible foresight in addition to their
                        intelligence and hard work.

                        On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 10:55 PM, Travis
                        Johnson < <>>


                            "The world isn't run by weapons anymore,
                            or energy, or money. It's run by little
                            ones and zeroes, little bits of data. It's
                            all just electrons."
                            ~ Cosmo (Sneakers 1992)

                            Literally, a one page website for a
                            company that is less than 19 years old is
                            now the most valuable company in the world. :(


Simon Westlake
Skype: Simon_Sonar
Phone: (702) 447-1247
Sonar Software Inc
The next generation of ISP billing and OSS

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