We deploy mainly LOS with canopy 450 5ghz.  However the telrad equipment
has been amazing at connecting clients that are buried in trees. I'm
extremely satisfied with the performance of the system...when it works.  I
added the qualifier of "when it works" because I feel like we've been a bit
of a beta tester.  It's a very new product on the bleeding edge and it's
getting better all the time but we definetly bled more blood than I would
have liked.

2 cents


On Wednesday, February 10, 2016, TJ Trout <t...@voltbb.com> wrote:

> It seems as if the telrad discussions have gone cold, seriously looking at
> it for a new deployment but wanted to get some feedback from current users,
> Gino? Etc
> They have priced me out at about 45k for 4 radios, 4 sectors and the basic
> EPC. $285 for the CPE. This is a fortune compared to anything else, but if
> you can truly reach many more customers and load the aps higher it may
> pincel out for me...
> So what's the word ?

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