I find it interesting that Rory says I’m a “liberal”, I’m not sure how he 
defines that or how he would know, other than I disagreed with him on something.

Actually I could be described as a Goldwater conservative, I was too young to 
vote, but literally had an AuH20 sticker on my bike and read every word of 
Conscience of a Conservative.  I grew up during the Eisenhower years.  I voted 
for Reagan and the first Bush.  I was 18 in 1968, had a high enough number in 
the draft I didn’t get sent to Vietnam, but wasn’t a hippie radical.  Unlike 
Bernie Sanders, I didn’t even smoke pot (consumed a lot of alcohol though).

The 1968 election season was pretty crazy.  I actually supported Reagan in 
campus rallies, that was his unsuccessful first bid, unfortunately we got 
Tricky Dick and Spiro Agnew.  I remember Richard J. Daley’s thugs cracking 
heads in the streets outside the Democratic Convention.  That had nothing to do 
with ideology, Daley could care less about Vietnam war protesters, it was about 
raw political power and no one was going to make him look bad when his party 
held a convention in his city.  Oops, he ended up looking bad anyway.

If I’m not a liberal, what other preconceived notions could be wrong?  Oh no, 
maybe I’m black, or Hispanic, or Muslim!  Maybe I’m a black Hispanic gay Muslim!

Actually, I believe most people are both conservative and progressive.  
Progress is good, but don’t fix what ain’t broke.

From: Glen Waldrop 
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 11:18 AM
To: af@afmug.com 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Is it 1968 all over?


Way to gang up guys.

I have to agree with Rory here. Black Lives Matter has all but become the 
mirror image of the KKK. Sure, some of them are doing it for the right reasons, 
but like environmentalists, feminists and dozens of other –ists the wackos have 
hijacked what could have been something powerful, something good, and gone 
*way* over the line.

One common thing among those groups are the very vocal fringe left.

I’m sitting here in the middle watching both sides go completely apeshit crazy.

Can no one sit back and look at the big picture?

Are we so divided that logic has completely left the discussion? It certainly 
seems that way and not just on the list.

From: Bill Prince 
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 11:02 AM
To: af@afmug.com 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Is it 1968 all over?

You know Rory, as long as it's "conservatives versus liberals" and liberals are 
the scum of the earth, you're never going to listen to reason.

For the most part I F6 your posts because they all seem to go down the same rat 
hole. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder.


On 3/12/2016 8:56 AM, Rory Conaway wrote:

  You know what Ken, let’s do this.


  You need me to sound racist because your liberal mindset is that everyone is 
a victim.  I probably have a much wider diversity of friends, business 
partners, and colleagues than you do and never has anyone ever called me 
racist.  Because I abhor racial division and call it out for what it is, an 
excuse for failure and control by race hustlers, I’m a racist.  That’s the 
pea-brained mentality of the intellectually dishonest.  You simply can’t 
understand that there are those of us who don’t care about race, we simply 
don’t have time for it in our lives and we don’t see it.  However, we can 
define the problems created by race, race hustlers, and liberals who don’t want 
to face facts, just blame everyone else for their problems and failures.


  What I care about is that there is a class of people that are not 
assimilating into society because nobody wants to face the facts.  You would 
rather stick your head in the sand and call out those of us who see the truth 
racists.  Here is a fact, not having a solid family support system, not 
following the law, and not working hard is a recipe for failure, regardless of 
the race.  If you don’t want to face that fact, so be it.  Stick your head in 
the sand, blame me and call me names, and stand by while our country falls 
apart because you don’t have the intellectual honesty to face that fact that 
the greatest country in the world is falling apart from within and from the 
outside.  Hell yes, I want our borders sealed and immigrants required to learn 
our language and honor our heritage.  Hell yes I want every child to get a good 
education that honors this country, the founders that gave it to us, and the 
men and women who died to protect it.   And until we recognize that keeping an 
entire culture in poverty and ignorance by not expecting them to excel is a bad 
thing, then we as a country are doomed to further internal violence, strife, 
and separation.   I don’t care about the color, I care about the fact that 
color is used as an excuse.


  The sad part is it’s not just any specific culture, it’s the entire 
generation. There isn’t a manufacturer here that doesn’t have engineering 
outside this country because they can’t find enough engineering talent within 
our own borders because our culture and education failed an entire generation.  
 And as for Obama, his policies have escalated this problem, including 
unemployment, a poor economy, lower standards of living, hatred of police and 
authority, and racial division and escalation.  So if you are big supporter of 
him, congratulations, you picked a real winner there.  You want the truth, 
that’s it.  So bring it on Ken.  I’ll back my conclusions with the facts from 
the Census bureau, the FBI, the U.S Department of the Interior, the U.S. Bureau 
of Labor, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis but those facts won’t matter will 




  From: Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] On Behalf Of Ken Hohhof
  Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 9:25 AM
  To: af@afmug.com
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Is it 1968 all over?


  Yes, I think your statements sound racist, and finally I call your out for 
it.  Why is that over the line?  You have made some pretty inflammatory 
statements, but it seems you can’t take any criticism?


  We have a WISPA conference coming up.  One thing I always notice is we are 
not a very diverse crowd.  Almost all white men.  That leads to the belief that 
prejudice is OK because everyone here thinks that way too.



  From: Rory Conaway 

  Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 10:14 AM

  To: af@afmug.com 

  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Is it 1968 all over?


  That’s out of line Ken, at any level.  What matters to me is that the 
violence fostered by ignorant people in our society who don’t contribute, but 
foster racial hatred and disdain for the Constitution, the Laws of this 
country, and want special treatment.  I don’t give a crap what color they are 
but they keep bringing it up.  Black Lives Matter, Black Caucuses, etc… The 
rest of us just want everyone to be Americans but it’s liberals that won’t let 
race go because they need it to stay in power.  


  You want to attack me for my beliefs Ken, that’s fine.  You want to call me a 
racist, what I really want to tell you will get me banned.  I’m done with this 
and Ken, please don’t ever speak to me again.  You went too far.




  From: Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] On Behalf Of Ken Hohhof
  Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 8:17 AM
  To: af@afmug.com
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Is it 1968 all over?


  Black people really seem to set you off.


  From: Rory Conaway 

  Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 8:51 AM

  To: af@afmug.com 

  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Is it 1968 all over?


  Faisal, I’m ready to continue our other discussion.  BTW, Black Lives Matter 
showed up to the Chicago rally and now there is looting and gun fire.  I really 
doubt the Trump supporters are doing that.




  From: Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] On Behalf Of Faisal Imtiaz
  Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 7:32 AM
  To: af@afmug.com
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Is it 1968 all over?


  I hope you realize that everyone participating in this discussion is an 
Adult, and a Patriot. Everyone is very much concerned about the future of our 
great nation. The discussion is over the events as they are unfolding.


  It is very interesting to me, as an independent, that folks on the right are 
so upset, and so polarized in their view that they are  willing to accept bad 
behavior from anyone  of their affiliated party, since that person can do 
nothing wrong  and the other side cannot do nothing right...


  I fully understand that everyone is passionate, but exchange of views in a 
polite healthy manner is the proper decorum, watching the GOP primaries turn  
into a circus act is embarrassing,  because the world is watching, and to see 
folks trying to explain and justify is even more troubling.


  Bad behavior is bad behavior, it should be called out, and it should not bt 
acceptable at any level from anyone. While the media is fully responsible for 
fueling the fire and covering only the inciting stuff.... watch closely the 
clips of trouble at the Trump rallies, there appears to be an steadily 
increasing amount of 'supporter participation' in this bad behavior.... (when 
someone is being lead out, by security there are folks hitting and throwing 
punches at the person being lead out....).. and Mr Trump constantly refuses to 
condemn such behavior, which indicates approval.


  While you can explain it and justify it which ever way you want, some of us 
who have had a broader view of the world, have seen this type of behavior and 
events , in the other parts of the world.. and the end results were not very 
good for anyone.... As such their is  rising concern.


  The GOP is playing with Fire, one they think they can control.... 
historically speaking when that particular type of genie is let out of the 
bottle, no one has  been able to control it .....








  Faisal Imtiaz
  Snappy Internet & Telecom
  7266 SW 48 Street
  Miami, FL 33155
  Tel: 305 663 5518 x 232

  Help-desk: (305)663-5518 Option 2 or Email: supp...@snappytelecom.net



    From: "Rory Conaway" <r...@triadwireless.net>
    To: af@afmug.com
    Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 9:05:42 AM
    Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Is it 1968 all over?

    Jaime, travel to the WWII museum and learn about the sacrifices we made as 
a country to stop men like Hitler.  You have so mischaracterized what Trump is 
saying but I’d rather take this discussion elsewhere to someplace like 




    From: Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] On Behalf Of Jaime Solorza
    Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:59 AM
    To: Animal Farm
    Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Is it 1968 all over?


    Fault?   Its human nature....you push me and I push back...most fights 
start that way...literally and figuratively... Trump doesn't deny he has asked 
him audience to beat the crap of those "bad dudes"...let's go back to old 
days....what civil rights riots? Wallace?  Lynching?  He is playing to  the 
older white man who fears foreigners are taking over the US. Xenophobia was one 
of Hitler and others methods used to create a fervor and led to murder of 
millions.  i have a different perspective on things from my ancestors and 
upbringing plus traveling.  Travel outside USA and your eyes open a bit more.   
 I normally stay quiet on politics but not this time.....too much at 
stake...Trump will not win.


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