You are not alone.

Josh Luthman wrote:
Even if the radio is offline you should have a history of stats IMO

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 2:50 PM, Brandon Yuchasz < <>> wrote:

    Just had a call from a customer that was “off line” was an ePMP I
    dreaded logging in to take a look because if its off line I am not
    going to see a thing. Luckily this was a router / user issue not
    our equipment.

    Best regards,

    Brandon Yuchasz <>

    *From:*Af [
    <>] *On Behalf Of *George Skorup
    *Sent:* Tuesday, June 14, 2016 1:06 PM

    *To:* <>
    *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Session Counts in ePMP

    All I want for Christmas is SM proxy access via AP like Canopy.
    ICC and proxy is a godsend.

    On 6/14/2016 11:03 AM, Brandon Yuchasz wrote:

        I am kind of combining the two conversations between you and
        Josh at this point but we have been using PRTG for monitoring
        but only at the AP and backhaul level. On a few rate cases I
        have added some SMs into it for a while but generally have not
        needed to. �I will have to look into some options along
        these lines for monitoring at the SM level.

        I know its sacrilegious to even say but we use QuickBooks for
        our billing and our oldest custom base is billed quarterly.
        Newer customers or those that chose to change over use ACH
        monthly and we just don�t have much need for a different
        billing system this takes very little time to manage and works
        well for us.


        I am curious if they have any plans to add these statistics to
        the ePMP platform any Cambium team members lurking around this
        list care to comment?


        Best regards,

        Brandon Yuchasz <>


        *From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Nate Burke
        *Sent:* Tuesday, June 14, 2016 10:31 AM
        *To:* <>
        *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Session Counts in ePMP


        I'm old school and still use MRTG with a bunch of custom
        scripting I wrote, but you can substitute in your favorite
        graphing platform.� I graph these parameters and they have
        worked well for us for a number of years.� We monitor every
        SM in the network.

        FSK - Traffic, RSSI, DBM, Associated to Which AP in Cluster
        450- Traffic, DBM, SNR, V-H Ratio, Associated to Which AP in
        EPMP - Traffic, MCS, DBM, TX Power, Associated to Which AP in

        On 6/14/2016 10:18 AM, Brandon Yuchasz wrote:


            Can you go into a little more detail on how you monitor
            those SMs?

            I always get a kick out of the Saturday afternoon calls
            when they have not had internet for three days. I
            generally tell them I have put them in the schedule for
            Monday and it�s a shame they didn�t call sooner I was
            right by their house twice during the week. I know I
            should bite my tongue but sometimes I can�t help myself.
            �I think a lot of the time people say its hasn�t
            working in days thinking it will add some level of
            priority to it when in fact it just went off line a few
            minutes ago.



            Best regards,

            Brandon Yuchasz




            *From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of
            *Nate Burke
            *Sent:* Tuesday, June 14, 2016 10:00 AM
            *To:* <>
            *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Session Counts in ePMP


            I monitor all SM's directly (FSK,450 and EPMP).� Makes
            it very easy to see if they have changing signal levels,
            or when they dropped out.� Like if they slowly lose
            signal the entire month of May, then you know it's
            trees.� But if they just lost 20db one day, then it
            moved.� If it just dropped offline, then power
            supply.� Also monitor the Sub Bandwidth, when they say
            'No internet for a 2 days'� You can tell them 'Check
            with your Kids, because someone has been streaming non
            stop'.� Or the '2 days' really is only 2 hours, but they
            want you to think it's worse.

            On 6/14/2016 9:25 AM, Brandon Yuchasz wrote:

                Since I came from a FSK background and then started in
                on the 450 platform I am having a few issues
                troubleshooting customers on ePMP. In FSK and 450 you
                can log into the AP pull up the Session Status tab and
                then scroll through looking at the session counts,
                re-registrations, power levels and even see the SMs
                that are idle. So if you are looking up a customer
                that �hasn�t has internet since Monday� and you
                see they went idle with only one session count and
                a� -62 at the time. You can assume the power supply
                got damaged in the storm Monday afternoon. A little on
                the phone support and they verify no green light.�
                On the other hand now that the leaves are on the trees
                and nice and thick we can scroll through the session
                counts and find customers that have been up for 8
                years that are now having issues with the tree cover.
                568 session counts in 24 hours. Yep best put them in
                the schedule and get out at take a look.


                So�. Where the heck do I find similar information in
                ePMP. I can�t even find if a session is idle.� I
                can find how many SMs have registered to the AP but no
                specifics about which SM it was or if all the extras
                are one SM , guys doing site surveys or a combo of
                both. So how are you guys troubleshooting the ePMP
                platform? I feel blind using this stuff.


                Best regards,

                Brandon Yuchasz






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