
Can you go into a little more detail on how you monitor those SMs? 

I always get a kick out of the Saturday afternoon calls when they have not
had internet for three days. I generally tell them I have put them in the
schedule for Monday and it’s a shame they didn’t call sooner I was right by
their house twice during the week. I know I should bite my tongue but
sometimes I can’t help myself.  I think a lot of the time people say its
hasn’t working in days thinking it will add some level of priority to it
when in fact it just went off line a few minutes ago. 



Best regards,

Brandon Yuchasz <> 


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Nate Burke
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Session Counts in ePMP


I monitor all SM's directly (FSK,450 and EPMP).� Makes it very easy to see
if they have changing signal levels, or when they dropped out.� Like if
they slowly lose signal the entire month of May, then you know it's
trees.� But if they just lost 20db one day, then it moved.� If it just
dropped offline, then power supply.� Also monitor the Sub Bandwidth, when
they say 'No internet for a 2 days'� You can tell them 'Check with your
Kids, because someone has been streaming non stop'.� Or the '2 days'
really is only 2 hours, but they want you to think it's worse.

On 6/14/2016 9:25 AM, Brandon Yuchasz wrote:

Since I came from a FSK background and then started in on the 450 platform I
am having a few issues troubleshooting customers on ePMP. In FSK and 450 you
can log into the AP pull up the Session Status tab and then scroll through
looking at the session counts, re-registrations, power levels and even see
the SMs that are idle. So if you are looking up a customer that �hasn�t
has internet since Monday� and you see they went idle with only one
session count and a� -62 at the time. You can assume the power supply got
damaged in the storm Monday afternoon. A little on the phone support and
they verify no green light.� On the other hand now that the leaves are on
the trees and nice and thick we can scroll through the session counts and
find customers that have been up for 8 years that are now having issues with
the tree cover. 568 session counts in 24 hours. Yep best put them in the
schedule and get out at take a look. 


So�. Where the heck do I find similar information in ePMP. I can�t even
find if a session is idle.� I can find how many SMs have registered to the
AP but no specifics about which SM it was or if all the extras are one SM ,
guys doing site surveys or a combo of both. So how are you guys
troubleshooting the ePMP platform? I feel blind using this stuff. 


Best regards,

Brandon Yuchasz <> 



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