You people who brag about first thing you  do is jailbreaking and rooting, 
that’s great for you, but that’s hardly the typical cellphone customer.


That’s the problem with discussing a mass market device on a list like this.  I 
remember from the Marketing 101 course I had to take in business school, the 
professor said remember, your target market is not people like you.  This goes 
double for techies.  Think of the boys on Big Bang Theory designing their 
killer app to recognize equations, <sarcasm> certainly that’s something 
everyone needs </sarcasm>.


Even on this list, can I be the only person who views my phone as just a tool 
like a drill or wrench?  I don’t want to modify it, I just want it to make 
calls and run apps.  My phone is not a hobby.  Is it too much to ask that a 
phone be useful with the factory software?



From: Af [] On Behalf Of Mike Hammett
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2016 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Google wants to be Apple


Text messaging hardly counts as heavy usage. It's a single, low impact app.

If you upgrade once a year, you never have had the device long enough to need 
to reset it to factory. If they're so great, why are you replacing them so 

Of course if you think texting is heavy usage, you've never found a need to do 
more with your phone (like jailbreaking or rooting). I root immediately for 
better control over and information from the radios, for one. That's not even 
possible on Apple.

For a "simple shit" user, there is no major difference between an iPhone and a 
mainstream Galaxy S or an iPad and a Galaxy Tab. All four do Chrome, Facebook 
and Instagram.

Mike Hammett
 <> Intelligent Computing Solutions
 <> Midwest Internet Exchange
 <> The Brothers WISP


From: "Travis Johnson" < <> >
To: <> 
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2016 9:45:10 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Google wants to be Apple

I agree that your phone probably works "very, very well"... but you said 
yourself you have never used an Apple product... so what are you 
comparing to? I've had an iPhone since the very first model. I'm not a 
"wait in line for days" to buy the latest and greatest model, but I do 
upgrade about once a year. During the last 8-9 years, I've never had a 
single issue with the phones... never had to "restore" or "reset to 
factory" or do any of those other things. I've never had to hack or 
jailbreak or do any other things to my phones. During my biggest month 
of usage, I sent and received over 15,000 text messages, so the phone 
gets used.

I have used an Android phone... and it was clunky and just not as "user 
friendly" in general. I also have several Android tablets, and they are 
the same way... especially compared to my wife's new iPad Pro, which is 
an amazing piece of equipment. :)


On 10/5/2016 8:04 PM, Bill Prince wrote:
> You realize that the US represents about 5% of the world population. 
> Maybe you don't care about the other 95%, but you would be a small 
> minority.
> And I don't agree about screen response. My Android phone works very, 
> very well.
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 10/5/2016 6:24 PM, Travis Johnson wrote:
>> Actually, Apple is the top smartphone in the US... nobody cares about 
>> the rest of the world... they have 44% marketshare in the US. You 
>> know, the country where every real Internet and tech company is 
>> located... Apple, Intel, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Google, etc.
>> Take your pick of Android phone... their screen responses all suck 
>> compared to an iPhone. :)
>> Travis
>> On 10/5/2016 6:02 PM, Bill Prince wrote:
>>> It was not me that said that.
>>> I don't buy Apple products. Period. I would not get an Apple product 
>>> if it were free.
>>> And there is good reason that most of the people on the planet use a 
>>> smartphone other than theirs.
>>> And a Samsung smartphone is not real Android, so that is a piss poor 
>>> comparison.
>>> bp
>>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>>> On 10/5/2016 3:30 PM, Travis Johnson wrote:
>>>> Some people ride a Honda, some people ride a Harley. Some people 
>>>> drive a Chevy, some people drive a BMW.
>>>> I think it was you that even said "If the price was the same, 
>>>> everyone would be using an iPhone"... which I honestly believe. I 
>>>> have used a brand new Samsung phone with Android, and the first 
>>>> thing I noticed is that the screen response is not the same as an 
>>>> iPhone


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