Can't respond at moment Sam and Paul... Salient points you bring up and
will give me perspective.. .getting certification on another camera system
family.  A little knowledge is a dangerous thing...

On Nov 9, 2016 8:37 AM, "Sam Morris" <> wrote:

> You do know the only party that ever created camps and interred Americans
> was the Democrats, right? And that Carter postponed Muslim immigration....
> How soon people forget. :)
> On 11/9/2016 8:15 AM, Jaime Solorza wrote:
>> So calling a culture rapists is not racist.. Calling a culture terrorist
>> is not racist.. Build a wall, internment camps to house Muslims is not
>> racist?  That's how NAZI party got started.. But of course since we
>> don't teach history anymore without editing to make us angelic and
>> perfect how would the uneducated male who helped him win know... Not
>> that they give a shit..
>> Talking about jobs leaving US when you make suits and clothing in
>> sweatshops out of Asia, welching on deals and contacts, cheating on wife
>> and children, is not an issue.   What a crock of shit... I weep for our
>> country...
>> On Nov 9, 2016 7:06 AM, "Mike Hammett" <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Those that came to the US legally are against illegal immigration.
>>     Those that did not come here legally or have a difficult time
>>     discerning legal from illegal immigration ignorantly label the
>>     former group as racist.
>>     US citizenship is a proud moment in an applicants life. It is a long
>>     and difficult process. Those that work for it hate those going for
>>     the shortcut.
>>     -----
>>     Mike Hammett
>>     Intelligent Computing Solutions <>
>>     <><
>> telligentComputingSolutionsDeKalb><
>> company/intelligent-computing-solutions><>
>>     Midwest Internet Exchange <>
>>     <><https://www.linkedin.
>> com/company/midwest-internet-exchange><>
>>     The Brothers WISP <>
>>     <>
>>     <>
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------
>>     *From: *"Lewis Bergman" <
>>     <>>
>>     *To: * <>
>>     *Sent: *Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:03:03 AM
>>     *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] OT: early reporting on Election Day
>>     I guess I don't get the whole racist thing because I am white I
>>     guess. Maybe I want paying attention. I get the whole Islamophobia
>>     deal. Mauve I am just insensitive to what is interpreted as"code
>>     language" or whatever.
>>     I thought I saw that 30% of Latino voters voted for him. What do our
>>     Latino friends think about this?
>>     On Wed, Nov 9, 2016, 7:23 AM Jaime Solorza
>>     < <>> wrote:
>>         And Putin is happy.  Wow
>>         On Nov 9, 2016 6:21 AM, "Jaime Solorza"
>>         < <>>
>>         wrote:
>>             The fears he played to, like someone we know back in the
>>             1930s and let's Make America White Again theme brought out
>>             vote for him.   Many of these rural voters want the country
>>             to go 50 years... That's the saddest part.. Time will be the
>>             judge... I think the world skipped a beat.    Right Wing
>>             radioheads and KKK guys probably came all over themselves...
>>             And make your own tamales.. They will be bland with no flavor.
>>             On Nov 9, 2016 5:11 AM, "Mike Hammett" <
>>             <>> wrote:
>>                 Huh?
>>                 -----
>>                 Mike Hammett
>>                 Intelligent Computing Solutions <>
>>                 <><
>>                 Midwest Internet Exchange <>
>>                 <><https://www.linkedin.
>> com/company/midwest-internet-exchange><>
>>                 The Brothers WISP <>
>>                 <>
>>                 <
>> >
>>                 ------------------------------
>> ------------------------------------------
>>                 *From: *"Jaime Solorza" <
>>                 <>>
>>                 *To: *"Animal Farm" < <>>
>>                 *Sent: *Tuesday, November 8, 2016 11:26:15 PM
>>                 *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] OT: early reporting on Election Day
>>                 Proves one thing... We are NOT united states
>>                 On Nov 8, 2016 10:23 PM, "Lewis Bergman"
>>                 <
>>                 <>> wrote:
>>                     I guess this proves sometimes people prefer the
>>                     devil you don't know over the devil you do.
>>                     On Tue, Nov 8, 2016, 11:20 PM Mathew Howard
>>                     < <>>
>>                     wrote:
>>                         Just watching the fear on those people's faces
>>                         is priceless
>>                         On Nov 8, 2016 11:12 PM, "That One Guy /sarcasm"
>>                         <
>>                         <>> wrote:
>>                             oh, this is so funny to watch, the media
>>                             folks are trying to backpedal and walkback
>>                             all the nonsense theyve pulled this year,
>>                             but theyre leaving the door open to not go
>>                             too far if hillary still flips its so they
>>                             can do another 180. This is probably the
>>                             best thing to watch of the night as the
>>                             reality sets in that they may have really
>>                             fu**ed up
>>                             On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 11:07 PM, Lewis
>>                             Bergman <
>>                             <>> wrote:
>>                                 The whole "populist" candidate
>>                                 thing...Bernie on the left, Trump on the
>>                                 right. Is populist = = bad? Maybe not.
>>                                 On Tue, Nov 8, 2016, 11:01 PM Josh
>>                                 Reynolds <
>>                                 <>> wrote:
>>                                     Somebody mentioned on the news that
>>                                     "This wasn't... Trump wasn't
>>                                     running on a platform of unifying
>>                                     our country.. he wasn't a unity
>>                                     candidate. This is going to have
>>                                     very, very deep consequences across
>>                                     the board for our country."
>>                                     On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 10:52 PM,
>>                                     That One Guy /sarcasm
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                      > they skewed their models hoping
>>                                     the hive mind of the public would
>>                                     vote for
>>                                      > their candidate. they overvalued
>>                                     their influence and undervalued the
>>                                      > internets reach.
>>                                      > The GOP is dead, thats good, all
>>                                     the never trumpers days are numbers,
>>                                     their
>>                                      > constituents have spoken. America
>>                                     is a better place without it.
>>                                      >
>>                                      > Remember, trump isnt a
>>                                     republican, hes more an independent
>>                                     than anything hes
>>                                      > so across the board on the major
>>                                     issues. He could have run an
>> independent
>>                                      > race but would have just split
>>                                     the right. Even if she pulls a last
>>                                     minute
>>                                      > hail mary and wins it, this is a
>>                                     win for the long term of our
>> governance.
>>                                      > Bernie broke the democrats, they
>>                                     just dont know it, 2020 is going to
>> be a
>>                                      > hell of a race
>>                                      >
>>                                      > On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 10:46 PM,
>>                                     Josh Reynolds <
>>                                     <>> wrote:
>>                                      >>
>>                                      >> If a Democrat were to have won
>>                                     this Presidency, it would have been
>> the
>>                                      >> first 3 consecutive terms since
>>                                     that happened beyond the middle of the
>>                                      >> century. The polling people are
>>                                     freaking out, as all of their
>>                                     modeling has
>>                                      >> been quite far off. This has
>>                                     been MUCH closer than any of them
>>                                     expected.
>>                                      >>
>>                                      >> Recreational and medical
>>                                     marijuana is growing as well.
>>                                      >>
>>                                      >> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 10:43 PM,
>>                                     Mathew Howard <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                      >> wrote:
>>                                      >>>
>>                                      >>> They called Wisconsin for
>>                                     Trump.... A Republican hasn't won
>>                                     here since
>>                                      >>> 1984
>>                                      >>>
>>                                      >>>
>>                                      >>> On Nov 8, 2016 10:40 PM, "Josh
>>                                     Reynolds" <
>>                                     <>> wrote:
>>                                      >>>>
>>                                      >>>> Dow futures down near 700
>>                                     points. GOP commentator on the tv is
>>                                     saying
>>                                      >>>> "The party of Regan is dead.
>>                                     The GOP had become an empty vessel,
>>                                     and it was
>>                                      >>>> filled up with Trumpish. NATO
>>                                     partners are nervous. We really
>>                                     don't know
>>                                      >>>> what Trump's policies would be
>>                                     if elected as President".
>>                                      >>>>
>>                                      >>>> This is a fascinating election.
>>                                      >>>>
>>                                      >>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 10:15
>>                                     PM, Cassidy B. Larson
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                      >>>> wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>
>>                                      >>>>> We’re up quite a bit.  Lots
>>                                     of Google/Akamai cache streams.
>>                                     Upstreams
>>                                      >>>>> are up as well.
>>                                      >>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>
>>                                      >>>>> On Nov 8, 2016, at 8:44 PM,
>>                                     That One Guy /sarcasm
>>                                      >>>>> <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>
>>                                      >>>>> they can be the beta testers
>>                                     for the walls
>>                                      >>>>>
>>                                      >>>>> suprisingly my network is
>>                                     down right now about 40 percent
>> usage, i
>>                                      >>>>> expected alot of peope would
>>                                     be streaming the election, maybe
>> theyre
>>                                      >>>>> watching on satellite or
>>                                     already ate their bullets
>>                                      >>>>>
>>                                      >>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 9:36
>>                                     PM, George Skorup <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                      >>>>> wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>> If there was ever a place to
>>                                     wall off, start with DC. And then Cook
>>                                      >>>>>> County.
>>                                      >>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>> On 11/8/2016 9:27 PM, Lewis
>>                                     Bergman wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>> I would rather see American
>>                                     Samoa and Puerto Rico get statehood
>> than
>>                                      >>>>>> DC. it was set apart for a
>>                                     reason.
>>                                      >>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016, 9:22 PM
>>                                     That One Guy /sarcasm
>>                                      >>>>>> <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>> thats should be
>>                                     interesting, are they going to
>>                                     petition on their
>>                                      >>>>>>> crime rate alone?
>>                                      >>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 9:13
>>                                     PM, Josh Reynolds
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                      >>>>>>> wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>> WOW Washington DC just
>>                                     elected to support a bid for
>>                                     statehood by
>>                                      >>>>>>>> 71%.
>>                                      >>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 9:07 PM,
>>                                     "Lewis Bergman"
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>> wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>> George is right. My write
>>                                     in might win.
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016, 9:05
>>                                     PM Lewis Bergman
>>                                      >>>>>>>>> <
>>                                     <>>
>> wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> If Trump won cali I
>>                                     would demand a recount. Josh is
>>                                     right. This
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> whole thing is another
>>                                     exampleof the electoral mess. The
>>                                     only thing scarier
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> than popular vote
>>                                     determination is the convoluted crap
>>                                     we are in.
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016,
>>                                     8:59 PM Josh Reynolds
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> Might wanna hang out
>>                                     there for awhile until the toxic cloud
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> passes.
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 8:57 PM,
>>                                     "George Skorup" <
>>                                     <>> wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> I'm staying in the
>>                                     basement with my 870 loaded until
>> dawn.
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On 11/8/2016 8:53 PM,
>>                                     That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> i want trump to pull
>>                                     california, just to see if clinton
>>                                     will stand
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> by her word to accept
>>                                     the results
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at
>>                                     8:49 PM, Lewis Bergman
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> <
>>                                     <>>
>> wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> Come on, they could have
>>                                     called Texas 2 years ago.
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016,
>>                                     8:41 PM That One Guy /sarcasm
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> by now i expected a
>>                                     clinton lead
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at
>>                                     8:38 PM, Mathew Howard
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> <
>>                                     <>> wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> What's wrong with Ohio?
>>                                     Looks fine to me...
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 8:13 PM,
>>                                     "That One Guy /sarcasm"
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> what the hell is going
>>                                     on in ohio?
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at
>>                                     8:09 PM, Jaime Solorza
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> They are calling
>>                                     Texas.... Wow.   People still in
>>                                     line here...
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 6:57 PM,
>>                                     "Lewis Bergman"
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> Yea. Nobody would
>>                                     believe it, nor should they.
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016,
>>                                     7:55 PM That One Guy /sarcasm
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> trump is pulling forward
>>                                     there now.
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> If texas went to hillary
>>                                     its a given the race will be contested
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at
>>                                     7:38 PM, Jaime Solorza
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> So far Texas is 48 vs
>>                                     48...JUST THAT IS DIFFERENT
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 6:00 PM,
>>                                     "That One Guy /sarcasm"
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> always vote! always!
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at
>>                                     6:48 PM, Jaime Solorza
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> I voted proudly...
>>                                     That's what count
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 5:39 PM,
>>                                     "Lewis Bergman"
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> Jaimie...I sympathize
>>                                     with your likely feelings of
>>                                     irrelevance. I
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> always vote but in such
>>                                     a red state it doesn't matter how
>>                                     you vote there are
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> so many die hard
>>                                     Republicans it doesn't make a
>>                                     difference.
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> I wish we could throw
>>                                     some libertarians in there and shake
>>                                     things
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> up. We might get some
>>                                     appreciation.
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016,
>>                                     5:58 PM Jaime Solorza
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                     <
>>                                     <>>
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> Damn.  Eric and I are
>>                                     dumb....
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 4:52 PM,
>>                                     "That One Guy /sarcasm"
>>     ...

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