So some smart guys are setting up for building the wall.... Getting cement
prices, rebar,  tools, back hoes, workers, etc.... They are all on the
Mexican side ...they figure no one of this side wants to work for peanuts
in the desert heat and sun.... I am trying to find the link.  Tongue in

On Nov 9, 2016 1:24 PM, "Jaime Solorza" <> wrote:

> Looking at hot chic is one thing..  Touching and having affair is
> another... Let me be clear... I have never advocated open border... I know
> the law... But the broad paint brush he used to put us all in that basket..
> No different if I said you guys have no rhythm or small cock's
> ...stereotyping.. Don't care how you cut... It's offensive... I was going
> to write on exploration versus persecution... How Spaniards and Portuguese
> were looking for new trade routes and Pilgrims looking for place to
> practice their religion freely.... How regardless of reasons it destroyed
> many cultures... And the ramifications of all this into the current
> feelings from isolationists... But I am tired of this already... Let's
> agree that we disagree.   You will never convince that Trump is someone you
> would trust alone with your daughters or wives.   So here go.... Hold on
> tight...
> On Nov 9, 2016 8:59 AM, "Jaime Solorza" <> wrote:
>> Can't respond at moment Sam and Paul... Salient points you bring up and
>> will give me perspective.. .getting certification on another camera system
>> family.  A little knowledge is a dangerous thing...
>> On Nov 9, 2016 8:37 AM, "Sam Morris" <> wrote:
>>> You do know the only party that ever created camps and interred
>>> Americans was the Democrats, right? And that Carter postponed Muslim
>>> immigration....
>>> How soon people forget. :)
>>> On 11/9/2016 8:15 AM, Jaime Solorza wrote:
>>>> So calling a culture rapists is not racist.. Calling a culture terrorist
>>>> is not racist.. Build a wall, internment camps to house Muslims is not
>>>> racist?  That's how NAZI party got started.. But of course since we
>>>> don't teach history anymore without editing to make us angelic and
>>>> perfect how would the uneducated male who helped him win know... Not
>>>> that they give a shit..
>>>> Talking about jobs leaving US when you make suits and clothing in
>>>> sweatshops out of Asia, welching on deals and contacts, cheating on wife
>>>> and children, is not an issue.   What a crock of shit... I weep for our
>>>> country...
>>>> On Nov 9, 2016 7:06 AM, "Mike Hammett" <
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>     Those that came to the US legally are against illegal immigration.
>>>>     Those that did not come here legally or have a difficult time
>>>>     discerning legal from illegal immigration ignorantly label the
>>>>     former group as racist.
>>>>     US citizenship is a proud moment in an applicants life. It is a long
>>>>     and difficult process. Those that work for it hate those going for
>>>>     the shortcut.
>>>>     -----
>>>>     Mike Hammett
>>>>     Intelligent Computing Solutions <>
>>>>     <><
>>>> telligentComputingSolutionsDeKalb><
>>>> company/intelligent-computing-solutions><>
>>>>     Midwest Internet Exchange <>
>>>>     <><
>>>> /company/midwest-internet-exchange><>
>>>>     The Brothers WISP <>
>>>>     <>
>>>>     <>
>>>>     ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> ------------
>>>>     *From: *"Lewis Bergman" <
>>>>     <>>
>>>>     *To: * <>
>>>>     *Sent: *Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:03:03 AM
>>>>     *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] OT: early reporting on Election Day
>>>>     I guess I don't get the whole racist thing because I am white I
>>>>     guess. Maybe I want paying attention. I get the whole Islamophobia
>>>>     deal. Mauve I am just insensitive to what is interpreted as"code
>>>>     language" or whatever.
>>>>     I thought I saw that 30% of Latino voters voted for him. What do our
>>>>     Latino friends think about this?
>>>>     On Wed, Nov 9, 2016, 7:23 AM Jaime Solorza
>>>>     < <>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>         And Putin is happy.  Wow
>>>>         On Nov 9, 2016 6:21 AM, "Jaime Solorza"
>>>>         < <>>
>>>>         wrote:
>>>>             The fears he played to, like someone we know back in the
>>>>             1930s and let's Make America White Again theme brought out
>>>>             vote for him.   Many of these rural voters want the country
>>>>             to go 50 years... That's the saddest part.. Time will be the
>>>>             judge... I think the world skipped a beat.    Right Wing
>>>>             radioheads and KKK guys probably came all over themselves...
>>>>             And make your own tamales.. They will be bland with no
>>>> flavor.
>>>>             On Nov 9, 2016 5:11 AM, "Mike Hammett" <
>>>>             <>> wrote:
>>>>                 Huh?
>>>>                 -----
>>>>                 Mike Hammett
>>>>                 Intelligent Computing Solutions <
>>>> >
>>>>                 <><
>>>>                 Midwest Internet Exchange <>
>>>>                 <><
>>>>                 The Brothers WISP <>
>>>>                 <>
>>>>                 <
>>>> el/UCXSdfxQv7SpoRQYNyLwntZg>
>>>>                 ------------------------------
>>>> ------------------------------------------
>>>>                 *From: *"Jaime Solorza" <
>>>>                 <>>
>>>>                 *To: *"Animal Farm" < <
>>>> >>
>>>>                 *Sent: *Tuesday, November 8, 2016 11:26:15 PM
>>>>                 *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] OT: early reporting on Election
>>>> Day
>>>>                 Proves one thing... We are NOT united states
>>>>                 On Nov 8, 2016 10:23 PM, "Lewis Bergman"
>>>>                 <
>>>>                 <>> wrote:
>>>>                     I guess this proves sometimes people prefer the
>>>>                     devil you don't know over the devil you do.
>>>>                     On Tue, Nov 8, 2016, 11:20 PM Mathew Howard
>>>>                     < <
>>>> >>
>>>>                     wrote:
>>>>                         Just watching the fear on those people's faces
>>>>                         is priceless
>>>>                         On Nov 8, 2016 11:12 PM, "That One Guy /sarcasm"
>>>>                         <
>>>>                         <>> wrote:
>>>>                             oh, this is so funny to watch, the media
>>>>                             folks are trying to backpedal and walkback
>>>>                             all the nonsense theyve pulled this year,
>>>>                             but theyre leaving the door open to not go
>>>>                             too far if hillary still flips its so they
>>>>                             can do another 180. This is probably the
>>>>                             best thing to watch of the night as the
>>>>                             reality sets in that they may have really
>>>>                             fu**ed up
>>>>                             On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 11:07 PM, Lewis
>>>>                             Bergman <
>>>>                             <>> wrote:
>>>>                                 The whole "populist" candidate
>>>>                                 thing...Bernie on the left, Trump on the
>>>>                                 right. Is populist = = bad? Maybe not.
>>>>                                 On Tue, Nov 8, 2016, 11:01 PM Josh
>>>>                                 Reynolds <
>>>>                                 <>> wrote:
>>>>                                     Somebody mentioned on the news that
>>>>                                     "This wasn't... Trump wasn't
>>>>                                     running on a platform of unifying
>>>>                                     our country.. he wasn't a unity
>>>>                                     candidate. This is going to have
>>>>                                     very, very deep consequences across
>>>>                                     the board for our country."
>>>>                                     On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 10:52 PM,
>>>>                                     That One Guy /sarcasm
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                     wrote:
>>>>                                      > they skewed their models hoping
>>>>                                     the hive mind of the public would
>>>>                                     vote for
>>>>                                      > their candidate. they overvalued
>>>>                                     their influence and undervalued the
>>>>                                      > internets reach.
>>>>                                      > The GOP is dead, thats good, all
>>>>                                     the never trumpers days are numbers,
>>>>                                     their
>>>>                                      > constituents have spoken. America
>>>>                                     is a better place without it.
>>>>                                      >
>>>>                                      > Remember, trump isnt a
>>>>                                     republican, hes more an independent
>>>>                                     than anything hes
>>>>                                      > so across the board on the major
>>>>                                     issues. He could have run an
>>>> independent
>>>>                                      > race but would have just split
>>>>                                     the right. Even if she pulls a last
>>>>                                     minute
>>>>                                      > hail mary and wins it, this is a
>>>>                                     win for the long term of our
>>>> governance.
>>>>                                      > Bernie broke the democrats, they
>>>>                                     just dont know it, 2020 is going to
>>>> be a
>>>>                                      > hell of a race
>>>>                                      >
>>>>                                      > On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 10:46 PM,
>>>>                                     Josh Reynolds <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>
>>>>                                      >> If a Democrat were to have won
>>>>                                     this Presidency, it would have been
>>>> the
>>>>                                      >> first 3 consecutive terms since
>>>>                                     that happened beyond the middle of
>>>> the
>>>>                                      >> century. The polling people are
>>>>                                     freaking out, as all of their
>>>>                                     modeling has
>>>>                                      >> been quite far off. This has
>>>>                                     been MUCH closer than any of them
>>>>                                     expected.
>>>>                                      >>
>>>>                                      >> Recreational and medical
>>>>                                     marijuana is growing as well.
>>>>                                      >>
>>>>                                      >> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 10:43 PM,
>>>>                                     Mathew Howard <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                      >> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>
>>>>                                      >>> They called Wisconsin for
>>>>                                     Trump.... A Republican hasn't won
>>>>                                     here since
>>>>                                      >>> 1984
>>>>                                      >>>
>>>>                                      >>>
>>>>                                      >>> On Nov 8, 2016 10:40 PM, "Josh
>>>>                                     Reynolds" <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>
>>>>                                      >>>> Dow futures down near 700
>>>>                                     points. GOP commentator on the tv is
>>>>                                     saying
>>>>                                      >>>> "The party of Regan is dead.
>>>>                                     The GOP had become an empty vessel,
>>>>                                     and it was
>>>>                                      >>>> filled up with Trumpish. NATO
>>>>                                     partners are nervous. We really
>>>>                                     don't know
>>>>                                      >>>> what Trump's policies would be
>>>>                                     if elected as President".
>>>>                                      >>>>
>>>>                                      >>>> This is a fascinating
>>>> election.
>>>>                                      >>>>
>>>>                                      >>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 10:15
>>>>                                     PM, Cassidy B. Larson
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                      >>>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>> We’re up quite a bit.  Lots
>>>>                                     of Google/Akamai cache streams.
>>>>                                     Upstreams
>>>>                                      >>>>> are up as well.
>>>>                                      >>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>> On Nov 8, 2016, at 8:44 PM,
>>>>                                     That One Guy /sarcasm
>>>>                                      >>>>> <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                     wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>> they can be the beta testers
>>>>                                     for the walls
>>>>                                      >>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>> suprisingly my network is
>>>>                                     down right now about 40 percent
>>>> usage, i
>>>>                                      >>>>> expected alot of peope would
>>>>                                     be streaming the election, maybe
>>>> theyre
>>>>                                      >>>>> watching on satellite or
>>>>                                     already ate their bullets
>>>>                                      >>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 9:36
>>>>                                     PM, George Skorup <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                      >>>>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>> If there was ever a place to
>>>>                                     wall off, start with DC. And then
>>>> Cook
>>>>                                      >>>>>> County.
>>>>                                      >>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>> On 11/8/2016 9:27 PM, Lewis
>>>>                                     Bergman wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>> I would rather see American
>>>>                                     Samoa and Puerto Rico get statehood
>>>> than
>>>>                                      >>>>>> DC. it was set apart for a
>>>>                                     reason.
>>>>                                      >>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016, 9:22 PM
>>>>                                     That One Guy /sarcasm
>>>>                                      >>>>>> <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                     wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>> thats should be
>>>>                                     interesting, are they going to
>>>>                                     petition on their
>>>>                                      >>>>>>> crime rate alone?
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 9:13
>>>>                                     PM, Josh Reynolds
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>> WOW Washington DC just
>>>>                                     elected to support a bid for
>>>>                                     statehood by
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>> 71%.
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 9:07 PM,
>>>>                                     "Lewis Bergman"
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>> George is right. My write
>>>>                                     in might win.
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016, 9:05
>>>>                                     PM Lewis Bergman
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>> <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> If Trump won cali I
>>>>                                     would demand a recount. Josh is
>>>>                                     right. This
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> whole thing is another
>>>>                                     exampleof the electoral mess. The
>>>>                                     only thing scarier
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> than popular vote
>>>>                                     determination is the convoluted crap
>>>>                                     we are in.
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016,
>>>>                                     8:59 PM Josh Reynolds
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> Might wanna hang out
>>>>                                     there for awhile until the toxic
>>>> cloud
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> passes.
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 8:57 PM,
>>>>                                     "George Skorup" <
>>>>                                     <>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> I'm staying in the
>>>>                                     basement with my 870 loaded until
>>>> dawn.
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On 11/8/2016 8:53 PM,
>>>>                                     That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> i want trump to pull
>>>>                                     california, just to see if clinton
>>>>                                     will stand
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> by her word to accept
>>>>                                     the results
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at
>>>>                                     8:49 PM, Lewis Bergman
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> Come on, they could have
>>>>                                     called Texas 2 years ago.
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016,
>>>>                                     8:41 PM That One Guy /sarcasm
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                     wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> by now i expected a
>>>>                                     clinton lead
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at
>>>>                                     8:38 PM, Mathew Howard
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> What's wrong with Ohio?
>>>>                                     Looks fine to me...
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 8:13 PM,
>>>>                                     "That One Guy /sarcasm"
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                     wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> what the hell is going
>>>>                                     on in ohio?
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at
>>>>                                     8:09 PM, Jaime Solorza
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                     wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> They are calling
>>>>                                     Texas.... Wow.   People still in
>>>>                                     line here...
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 6:57 PM,
>>>>                                     "Lewis Bergman"
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> Yea. Nobody would
>>>>                                     believe it, nor should they.
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016,
>>>>                                     7:55 PM That One Guy /sarcasm
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                     wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> trump is pulling forward
>>>>                                     there now.
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> If texas went to hillary
>>>>                                     its a given the race will be
>>>> contested
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at
>>>>                                     7:38 PM, Jaime Solorza
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                     wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> So far Texas is 48 vs
>>>>                                     48...JUST THAT IS DIFFERENT
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 6:00 PM,
>>>>                                     "That One Guy /sarcasm"
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                     wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> always vote! always!
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at
>>>>                                     6:48 PM, Jaime Solorza
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                     wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> I voted proudly...
>>>>                                     That's what count
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 5:39 PM,
>>>>                                     "Lewis Bergman"
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> Jaimie...I sympathize
>>>>                                     with your likely feelings of
>>>>                                     irrelevance. I
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> always vote but in such
>>>>                                     a red state it doesn't matter how
>>>>                                     you vote there are
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> so many die hard
>>>>                                     Republicans it doesn't make a
>>>>                                     difference.
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> I wish we could throw
>>>>                                     some libertarians in there and shake
>>>>                                     things
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> up. We might get some
>>>>                                     appreciation.
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016,
>>>>                                     5:58 PM Jaime Solorza
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                     <
>>>>                                     <>>
>>>>                                     wrote:
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> Damn.  Eric and I are
>>>>                                     dumb....
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>                                      >>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2016 4:52 PM,
>>>>                                     "That One Guy /sarcasm"
>>>>     ...

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