
Like Rory, I will bite as well. This election was about the corrupt politics on both sides of the aisle. Hilary was corrupt beyond measure. She barely got out of the primaries (She had help from her Party) against a SOCIALIST. A SOCIALIST!!! If Trump had some sort of filter, it would have been a landslide vote against her.

I have no idea what Trump is going to do (remember he is limited by the checks and balances of the Legislative and Judicial Branches). I hope several things happen... Maybe a legitimate 3rd party can form that truly represents conservative principals effectively eliminating the 2 party system that has morphed into a power struggle to keep power rather than to govern. I want States to get more of their rights back (The Feds love to strong arm States by holding money back). I also would like to see less global influence in our government decisions.

Our Government has one purpose. Protect its people. The Obama immigration policy was a joke. He publicly pushed policies that ignored laws. My wife immigrated to this country and became a citizen and so did my Grandfather. They did it within the law. Illegal immigration is a finger to people coming legally. During the Obama administration we have also seen racial divides and resentment grow in part due to the comments and actions of the President.

With unknown comes fear so I can understand some of your fear. I have no fear though in leaving my Wife and Daughter with Trump. He does speak poorly about women to other men which is not good, but the accusations against him I believe have been shown to be baseless. I have more issues with Hilary's husband.

In summary, I am looking forward to the unknown and glad that the country decided to take a breath and re-evaluate the status quo.


On 11/10/2016 8:20 AM, Jaime Solorza wrote:
trump calls climate change a hoax... Forget the physics or science... Has no foreign policy plan... Sound bites don't cut it... He won because of fear by biligaana, period. Country is very divided because he fueled these fears... Someone in class yesterday said we should respect him.... Another guy responded, Really the way he and others showed respect for Obama... I can't respect him for his lack of character... I have stated it clearly.. How ridiculous can he be when his staff cut his tweeter account days before election? Heaven help us when he is charge... I noticed no one answered or challenged me about leaving him alone with your wife or daughters.... The silence was defeaning... And the public works idea... Who the hell is doing all that work right now? Open your eyes, visit construction sites around the southwest and even Las Vegas... Go to job sites.... Facts not bullshit

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