The only reason coal was getting cleaner was environmental regulations.. I don't see that happening in the next 4 years but the only thing about the new administration I can see is that it will be unpredictable, because he like to be unpredictable....

On 11/10/16 8:42 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:
*From:* Bill Prince
I'll say right now that the wall will not be built.
Strike one.

Waste of money and impractical.  Why not give New Mexico and Texas back
to Mexico and tell all the illegals to move there.... ;-)
(I just don’t see it being a solution).

Dismantle ACA. Well, maybe, but what are they going to tell the
22,000,000 people that are getting health insurance that wouldn't
otherwise? What are they going to do about pre-existing conditions? I
bet they might do something "different", but a wholesale dismantling I
think will not happen.

ACA is dismantling itself.  Insurers are dropping health coverage from
the product line.  My own low income kids and employees were not helped
by ACA.  Nobody was helped by the ACA.  But that was predicted from the
beginning.  You cannot force an industry that gambles based on actuarial
science to take high risk guaranteed looser customers and not respond.
Bill Clinton even called it a disaster a few months ago.  It is a

Strike two.

Restore the coal industries and all the jobs associated with it. Not
going to happen. Coal is on a  downward spiral regardless of any
toothless proclamations.

We have lots of coal in Utah.  It keeps getting cleaner and cleaner.
Plus you need it for steel.  We do still make steel in this country.
Hillary was vowing to kill the industry completely.  Anybody want their
electricity bills to double?  Focus on improving the coal combustion
process.  Killing jobs == not good.

Strike three.

Restore jobs to the rust belt and bring jobs back into the US. See
above. No proclamations by the ivory tower is going to change the
economics of those businesses. You tell me what a president can do to
change this. I don't see any changes coming.

All politicians spout this kind of crap.  They need to fix the rust belt
with education.  This is going to take a few generations.

Strike four.

Impose tariffs with China. Oh please. All the stuff all the lower income
folks buy in Walmart come from China. How are they going to like the
massive increase in prices that would entail? Further, China would
likely retaliate, and then our exports would go down as well. Yeah,
that's a winning strategy.

+1, this would be a total disaster.  Almost all electronic components
come from China.

Strike five.

I could go on and on. This next four years is going to be worse than the
previous 16.


On 11/10/2016 8:17 AM, Stefan Englhardt wrote:

Defend their country? With syria this is complicated. Depending on
where you live and what your religion is you are on one of the many
sides. Many died without the knowledge what side killed them.

Our wall was there for a long time. Language was the same but … To
bring the eastern back online was **very** expensive and it is still
not done.

A wall seperate humans. In Europe you travel without walls. I drive
through austria to italy only stopped by these guys who want money for
travelling over their roads. A spain could come to us and work. A lot
of Bulgarian work in other european countries. The income in bulgarian
is comparable to mexicans.

Germany always pay money for Europe. Eastern countries get money until
they close up. You should see how and where e.g. VW produces cars and
parts. But they also sell into these countries.

On the long run it makes sense to partner with your neighbors. Even if
you think your neighbor has the bigger benefit.

*Von:*Af [] *Im Auftrag von *That One Guy
*Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 10. November 2016 16:49
*Betreff:* Re: [AFMUG] Logistics

I dont understand it, we built a boatload of ebola camps in africa
that are unused, why not stage the refugees there while theyre vetted.
99 percent of them are good folks, they need to get out of the
warzone. Men of fighting age should be the lowest priority for
resettlement since theyre choosing not to defend their country, you
cant really blame them since they dont have the resources to do so though.

germany had a wall that isolated its citizens from one another, quite
a difference between that and a border wall.

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Stefan Englhardt <> wrote:

    We got 1,000,0000 refugees within 12 month. As you know germany is
    a lot smaller than US...  A refugee is not neccesary there to stay
    forever. You help him to stay alive and as his country comes back
    to "normal" you ask him to go back.
    You should look at the situation of these people and consider
    yourself and your family in this situation.

    Best would be to help neighbor countries to be able to help, so
    people do not need to travel this far (and it is a lot cheaper to
    help). In fact there are a lot of syrian in neighbor countries
    which need help themselfes.

    But sorry your president will bomb someone to hell and build walls
    (remember we are happy our wall was teared down not so long ago).
    Did not hear "humanity" out of his mouth. But yes. America first.
    Very selfish. We had the same discussions with England. They do
    not like refugees, too. They dont like to be in Europe. They want
    to stay on their own.
    Is this where we all are heading to. Selfish countries which do
    not like the others and let them alone?

    > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
    > Von: Af [] Im Auftrag von Sam Morris
    > Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. November 2016 16:00
    > An:
    > Betreff: Re: [AFMUG] Logistics

    > If Clinton said it, that in and of itself is enough to call that
    statement into
    > question.
    > On 11/9/2016 12:09 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:
    > >  Clinton said we can support
    > > 600,000 syrian refugees today. Thats 6 percent today of the
    > > undocumented population we could migrate into


If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your
team as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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