The vectors describe a property line, and start at a fixed WGS84 coordinate. Then it's a series of distances and azimuths from there. I tried drawing them with GE, but there is an accumulation of small errors. There are about 10 vectors total.

Something like starting at point lat/lon, go 700 feet azimuth 8° 27' 42", then 200 feet azimuth 27° 15' 08", and so on.


On 11/27/2016 9:13 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:
Is the end result displaying your vectors on GE? If so there are ways to just import them as a text file. I did it, don't recall how, perhaps I used some kind of app but in the end, it was easy. I may have just drawn a line and then reverse engineered the KMZ or KML file.

-----Original Message----- From: Bill Prince
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2016 8:58 AM
To: Motorola III
Subject: [AFMUG] Converting vectors to a shape (.SHP) file?

I have a boundary between parcels that is described as a series of
vectors (distance & bearing) from one point. Apparently this can be
imported into Google earth as a shape file (.SHP extension). I have been
looking for, but not finding a tool that allows me to enter the vectors
in text, and spit out the .SHP file. Does anyone know where I might find

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