I've been trying to avoid the OT politics on the afmug list but this is
such bullshit that I just can't leave it alone anymore.  What caused chaos
was a impossibly stupid implementation of a poorly thought out policy.
Want to restrict visas and green cards in the future?  Fine.  I disagree
with it but thats how the system works.  Pull the rug out from under people
who we already gave green cards and visas with no warning?  Your fucking
with the word of The United States.  Your fucking with the lives of people
and families who trusted in us to keep are word when they took jobs in the
US, quit their jobs abroad, sold their houses and got on a plane to come
here only to be told haha fuck you, our word isn't worth shit.  Your
fucking with students and teachers who are going to school or teaching here
and flew home for a vacation or funeral and are now bing told stay the fuck
out.  Your fucking with people on vacation who had transit visas granted by
us to land at JFK and get on another plane going home.  This administration
just took a piss on the word of the United States of America, either
through blatant incompetence, or through deliberate malfeasance, and then
when the judiciary stayed parts of their imbecilic policy, they doubled
down by taking a shit on the rule of law and refusing to follow court

On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Ken Hohhof <af...@kwisp.com> wrote:

> Fake news, alternative facts, now we have airport chaos caused by Chuck
> Schumer’s “fake tears”:
> http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/01/30/trump-
> takes-aim-at-sen-schumer-s-tears-in-new-defense-refugee-order.html
> I didn’t know his tears were so powerful.  Hey Chuck, can you cry me up a
> new car?  Or maybe one of Forrest’s new RackInjectors?  I know some people
> whose racks need injecting.  Or maybe a 450m, my beams need forming.


Carl Peterson


401 E Pratt St, Ste 2553

Baltimore, MD 21202

(410) 637-3707

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