The other thing to keep in mind here too is that if you listen to the lamestream media you'd think the entire country was against President Trump's immigration executive order. It's not. More people approve of it than disapprove. When I was in the gym this morning, I saw on the Corrupt News Network (CNN) (and I know it just killed them to have to say this) that nearly three out of four people approve of the order. That was spread over three different independent polls. However the lamestream lapdog media will only run stories of liberal moonbats throwing hissy fits, implying that no one agrees with the executive order, when that's simply not true. And that these moonbats pitching a bitch are in fact, in the minority.

I have to say that I can't argue with those of you complaining about the initial plans that would have affected holders of green cards. That was overreaching, and almost Democratic in nature (see below).

What can be argued is that it's some sort of "Muslim ban", which the lametream media would have you believe. It's not. President Trump has "banned" no one. He has merely put a temporary hold on the immigration process from war-torn states filled with terrorists - countries upon which 0bama dropped over 27,000 bombs and conducted countless drone strikes during his time in office - Democratic presidents have done this before as well - and more. (Democrat administrations have gone so far as to round up *American citizens* of Japanese heritage and lock them in internment camps.) It's not about Muslims. The largest Muslim country in the world (by far) is Indonesia. Other heavily-Muslim countries include India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco. None of these predominantly Muslim countries are mentioned in the Executive Order. This has nothing to do with a "Muslim ban". It has to do with doing a better job of vetting those coming from countries tied to terrorism.

On 1/30/2017 12:15 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:
I would venture that is a very calculated risk. slash burn rebuild
What will happen, that has historically not happened, as is the case
with most of what your orange menace has done thus far, A games will be
Up until this point, demands for strenuous and efficient vetting have
been met with "thats not who we are" "how will you know" "we dont have a
religious test" yada yada yad and all nonsense. The vast majority of
these "protesters" couldnt give a rats ass about the people actually
affected, they just want to be a part of some movement
Now, there is zero choice but to actually get some skin in the game and
build a damn process that is legitimate, or cost people their lives. had
morons put forth their A game when they should have this would be a non
The absolute worst thing that can happen is the fools who refuse to
participate allow my team to handle it, and you dont want the right
delivering their A game, vetting will quickly become enhanced
interrogation in black-sites, followed up with tossing them in a bag and
throwing em in the river, if they float theyre isis, if they drown, well
then praise be.

The demotards right now are forming legislation to nullify the order
that has zero chance of success, wasting time, tax dollars, and costing
lives. If they want to protest, resign and go out in the road with the
other idiots, let somebody with an A game step up. They should be
working across the isles to get the vetting process in play as quickly
as possible

On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Chuck McCown <
<>> wrote:

    Well, one “good” thing that could possibly come from it is that the
    mess it created might “might” inform the commander-in-orange of how
    huge the law of unintended consequences is when dealing with the
    business of the nation. If he really is as smart as his supporters
    claim, he should be able to learn and hopefully mellow.
    *From:* Carl Peterson
    *Sent:* Monday, January 30, 2017 9:44 AM
    *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT - fake tears
    I've been trying to avoid the OT politics on the afmug list but this
    is such bullshit that I just can't leave it alone anymore. What
    caused chaos was a impossibly stupid implementation of a poorly
    thought out policy.  Want to restrict visas and green cards in the
    future? Fine.  I disagree with it but thats how the system works.
    Pull the rug out from under people who we already gave green cards
    and visas with no warning?  Your fucking with the word of The United
    States.  Your fucking with the lives of people and families who
    trusted in us to keep are word when they took jobs in the US, quit
    their jobs abroad, sold their houses and got on a plane to come here
    only to be told haha fuck you, our word isn't worth shit.  Your
    fucking with students and teachers who are going to school or
    teaching here and flew home for a vacation or funeral and are now
    bing told stay the fuck out.  Your fucking with people on vacation
    who had transit visas granted by us to land at JFK and get on
    another plane going home.  This administration just took a piss on
    the word of the United States of America, either through blatant
    incompetence, or through deliberate malfeasance, and then when the
    judiciary stayed parts of their imbecilic policy, they doubled down
    by taking a shit on the rule of law and refusing to follow court
    On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

        Fake news, alternative facts, now we have airport chaos caused
        by Chuck Schumer’s “fake tears”:____



        I didn’t know his tears were so powerful.  Hey Chuck, can you
        cry me up a new car?  Or maybe one of Forrest’s new
        RackInjectors?  I know some people whose racks need injecting.
        Or maybe a 450m, my beams need forming.____


    Carl Peterson


    401 E Pratt St, Ste 2553

    Baltimore, MD 21202

    (410) 637-3707 <tel:(410)%20637-3707>

If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team
as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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