Chuck McCown wrote:
> Who owns the dark fiber network?
> Government - we all know how good they are at doing things like this.
  Others manage. See for example Stokab owned by the city of Stockholm in 

> Private - so we create good old Ma Bell all over again?
  First, it does not have to be a single private company. 

  Second, the owner being a private company need not be a problem. 
Non-discriminatory access to everybody, at set rates with prohibitions against 
cross-ownership and the offering of retail services. See examples from other 
industries with wholesale infrastructure providers and structural separation in 
the telecom industry. 

  Third, there's a pretty big difference between recreating Ma Bell and 
creating a (regional) dark fiber company that does nothing else than rent dark 

> Existing carriers forced to open their networks?  OK if you like the 
> Venezuela solution to things. 
  My proposal does not require existing carriers to open up their networks. 

> New networks built by low bidder defense contractor?  Great, replication and 
> tax bite too. 
  Where did this come from? I said nothing about defense contractors or tax 


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