People really need to learn how to use the new e-mail button.... or right click 
on the destination and click new mail. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

From: "George Skorup" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 2:12:28 PM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] List topics and verboseness of non-WISP non-business 
related discussions 

Agreed, [OT] would be nice. Also, threaded mail clients like 
Thunderchicken can't tell the difference sometimes when someone clicks 
the reply button on an OT thread. They completely change the subject, 
but the headers are still there. So a non-OT topic will get buried in 
the OT thread. I frequently collapse entire threads and hit the delete 
button. So start a new message is all I'm saying. 

On 3/1/2017 1:59 PM, Seth Mattinen wrote: 
> On 3/1/17 11:37, Chuck McCown wrote: 
>> Personally I don’t have any desire for the list to grow or shrink or 
>> change other than to remain a place where we can hang out. This list is 
>> most certainly not a “safe place” and you will not see trigger warnings 
>> unless you see the occasional literal “trigger warning”. It is kinda 
>> like a friendly bar that I can hang out in without my Mormon neighbors 
>> seeing me parked out front. 
> If someone has a problem with the off topic stuff marked OT, then they 
> need to learn how to filter it out in their mail client, not get hurt 
> feelings than someone isn't protecting them with a safe place. 
> The only change I would suggest is to always mark off topic as [OT] 
> which makes it stupid easy to create a subject filter looking for 
> string "[OT]" and not worry about the letters o and t in sequence get 
> caught in a normal word. 
> The social aspect of this list is the best part. I've been on lists 
> that went out of control like the old SPAM-L, and AFMUG is not even 
> close to the extreme SPAM-L was when it died. 
> ~Seth 

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