The whole OT tag, IMO, is a joke.  I take 10 seconds glancing at the
subject lines, read the ones I want to see, and then delete the rest.

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 3:35 PM, Josh Reynolds <> wrote:

> Another perspective:
> The additional content drives eyeballs. It shows the list is active. You
> can't make 100% of people happy 100% of the time.
> On Mar 1, 2017 2:18 PM, "Paul McCall" <> wrote:
>> Maybe defining a little better what *OT:*    ?
>> I use filters all the time.  OT: originally meant (to me)... relevant
>> discussions to the business but not necessarily technology.   What someone
>> discusses emerging battery technology, or 401Ks for employees, or
>> insurance, etc. etc., it used to be THAT was OT:
>> Sooo…. Maybe BS: or PRS:  Political, Religious or Social ?    Unless you
>> “identify” your PRS content as just OT:  (sorry, couldn’t resist the
>> trans-gender “identify” phrase) –  see, I have a sense of humor like the
>> next guy.
>> It’s just become like there is just no limit, and if people (not just me)
>> are going away from looking at the list, we have lost a LOT of good input
>> from folks who are serious about their business, who don’t have time to
>> delete threads.
>> Maybe, I just need more coffee J
>> Paul
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Af [] On Behalf Of Seth Mattinen
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 3:00 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] List topics and verboseness of non-WISP non-business
>> related discussions
>> On 3/1/17 11:37, Chuck McCown wrote:
>> > Personally I don’t have any desire for the list to grow or shrink or
>> > change other than to remain a place where we can hang out.  This list
>> > is most certainly not a “safe place” and you will not see trigger
>> > warnings unless you see the occasional literal “trigger warning”.  It
>> > is kinda like a friendly bar that I can hang out in without my Mormon
>> > neighbors seeing me parked out front.
>> >
>> If someone has a problem with the off topic stuff marked OT, then they
>> need to learn how to filter it out in their mail client, not get hurt
>> feelings than someone isn't protecting them with a safe place.
>> The only change I would suggest is to always mark off topic as [OT] which
>> makes it stupid easy to create a subject filter looking for string "[OT]"
>> and not worry about the letters o and t in sequence get caught in a normal
>> word.
>> The social aspect of this list is the best part. I've been on lists that
>> went out of control like the old SPAM-L, and AFMUG is not even close to the
>> extreme SPAM-L was when it died.
>> ~Seth

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