The articles I read seem to say that software could detect when the test procedure was running and lower the power output of the engine which would then reduce emissions. If that's accurate, then the car is designed to be like the kid who only behaves well when Mom is watching.

We aren't privy to the details of the court case. If the engineer was given the mission of making the car pass the test, and nobody asked how that was accomplished then I'd say he does have some blame.

------ Original Message ------
Sent: 8/26/2017 12:04:56 PM
Subject: [AFMUG] OT Volkswagen engineer

So one of the engineers at VW got a 40 month sentence for the emissions fiasco.

I have to admire the clever way of getting around the test. I have a hard time thinking of the guy as a criminal. He looked at the test protocol and created an engine that would pass the test.

Blame the protocol creators for not making a good enough test.

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