& I just saw on a netflix show a claim that it was drug cash that kept the economies of the world afloat which credit suffered a hard lockup in the crash. I really wondered if this was true...????

On 8/26/17 11:31 AM, Sean Heskett wrote:
And yet somehow all the bankers who engineered the collapse of the world economy never went to jail but this guy does?!?!

Crazy world...

Engineer environmental destruction = bad

Engineer economic destruction = meh

I agree with chuck too, he designed an engine to pass a test.  Seems like the test was flawed, not the solution.  It was an engineering team from a university that discovered the problem because they actually tested the emissions from the tail pipe under real world driving conditions.


On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 10:04 AM <ch...@wbmfg.com <mailto:ch...@wbmfg.com>> wrote:

    So one of the engineers at VW got a 40 month sentence for the
    emissions fiasco.
    I have to admire the clever way of getting around the test.  I have
    a hard time thinking of the guy as a criminal.  He looked at the
    test protocol and created an engine that would pass the test.
    Blame the protocol creators for not making a good enough test.

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