How else will our privatized prisons have the labor to make the cheap
products they make?!

On Aug 27, 2017 1:02 PM, "Steve Jones" <> wrote:

> I say put everybody in jail, all of them. Kids, women, even cats, just
> lock every living thing up, ameoba pruaons might be a task. Just lock it
> all up.
> On Aug 26, 2017 4:41 PM, "Robert" <> wrote:
> Banks failed because they took the wrong side of an insurance bet that
> paid off 100 to 1.
> On 8/26/17 11:58 AM, Adam Moffett wrote:
>> Iceland put 8 or 9 bankers in jail for that exact situation.
>> It's not clear to me why the bailout here happened the way it did.  It
>> seems like if the banks failed due to lending money that had no chance of
>> being paid back, why did the bailout require more money than the value of
>> all the loans?  I'm not well informed on the topic, but the things I heard
>> never added up to a clear picture.
>> ------ Original Message ------
>> From: "Sean Heskett" < <>>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: 8/26/2017 2:31:13 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Volkswagen engineer
>> And yet somehow all the bankers who engineered the collapse of the world
>>> economy never went to jail but this guy does?!?!
>>> Crazy world...
>>> Engineer environmental destruction = bad
>>> Engineer economic destruction = meh
>>> I agree with chuck too, he designed an engine to pass a test.  Seems
>>> like the test was flawed, not the solution.  It was an engineering team
>>> from a university that discovered the problem because they actually tested
>>> the emissions from the tail pipe under real world driving conditions.
>>> -sean
>>> On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 10:04 AM < <mailto:
>>>>> wrote:
>>>     So one of the engineers at VW got a 40 month sentence for the
>>>     emissions fiasco.
>>>     I have to admire the clever way of getting around the test.  I
>>>     have a hard time thinking of the guy as a criminal.  He looked at
>>>     the test protocol and created an engine that would pass the test.
>>>     Blame the protocol creators for not making a good enough test.

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