So, what are people using to monitor their backhaul links?

Specifically, how do you get notified when a link is getting close to 
saturation? Does your solution take RF link quality into account or is it blind 
to the actual, real-world link capabilities?

Looking for something that is fire and forget. I think that initial data entry 
and updates will quickly become untenable if the responsibility for determining 
the link speed is left to a manual process. For example, if I have to run a 
link test to determine the link speed for every link, then that is going to be 
a nightmare just for the initial data entry alone. If I have to do that even 
once a week, it becomes a non-starter. By the time I was finished doing them 
all, I'd immediately have to start over to keep the links even close to being 
accurate. That would require a full-time employee just to handle that single 

I don't care if it's open or closed source, free or paid. I just need something 
that works.

Christopher Tyler 
Total Highspeed Internet Services 

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