You're mistaken, or the spec sheet is misleading.
They sell a 24V or 48V model. They do sell 12V batteries as an accessory, but you use two of them for the 24V or four for the 48V.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Mathew Howard" <>
To: "af" <>
Sent: 1/30/2018 1:30:53 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Traco BCM

No, it can't get battery voltage... the BCMU360 uses a 12v battery - it has to be upconverting to 44v, and if that's the case, why 44v instead of 48v?

I was just looking at an ePMP 2000 AP I have sitting here, and it lists the minimum voltage as 42.5v, so that doesn't leave much room for voltage drop.

On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 12:25 PM, Adam Moffett <> wrote:
When running on battery, the load gets battery voltage. The load being on battery (or charger) voltage seems to be the normal behavior for these types of systems, so you'd have to really hunt for something that does it differently.

You can hunt for something with a regulated output, or add a DC-DC converter inline.

I haven't yet encountered a 48V device that didn't accept the whole range from "batteries nearly dead" to "bulk charging", so I'm wondering what that device is that needs >46v.

.....and I'm not a Traco lover. I'm kind of disappointed with it actually. We must have bought 40 of those kits about 3 years ago, and we now have 3 faulty BCM modules....they work except they no longer charge batteries. I also received a whole box of them where the sticker indicating which pin does what on the BCM was 100% backwards. By following the sticker rather than the manual I ended up with the temperature sensor (thermistor) connected to the reset switch. Didn't break anything, but they units won't turn on that way.

At the time I needed something 48V at a higher wattage than Meanwell's 48V options, and Traco was suggested. I don't think I'd go there again.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Paul McCall" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: 1/30/2018 12:59:12 PM
Subject: [AFMUG] Traco BCM

Am I missing something or are the Traco BCM series not very usable in the real world?

Meaning, the BCMU360 can only put out 45v (for a couple minutes, then 44v and change), when running on the battery. Not very usable with some gear that requires about 46v to work properly. Add in voltage drop on a long run and no-go.

I thought maybe the straight BCM 48v series would be better, but they appear to have the same spec.

I have to think I am missing something or who the heck would they sell these to? The industry standard is 48v (54v with float) so, outputting 44v sustained seems dumb.

Or is me 😊

Enlighten me please, you Traco lovers

Paul McCall, President

PDMNet, Inc. / Florida Broadband, Inc.

658 Old Dixie Highway <,+FL+32962%0D+772&entry=gmail&source=g>

Vero Beach, FL 32962 <,+FL+32962%0D+772&entry=gmail&source=g>

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