You can use PPTP through NAT on LTE. You can assign a static private IP to both ends of that tunnel. If PPTP won't pass something you need, you can run an EoIP tunnel using the PPTP IP's as the endpoints of the EoIP tunnel. You end up with a tunnel inside of a tunnel. It'll have a lowish real MTU, but you can pass 1500 bytes within the EoIP tunnel and it'll just be fragmented.

------ Original Message ------
From: "TJ Trout" <>
Sent: 1/31/2018 12:51:40 PM
Subject: [AFMUG] OOBE mikrotik

I was wanting to add out of band management via LTE to some of our core routers, but I think most/all cellular networks are NAT now so you cannot access your LTE devices inbound unless you have it tunnel out to a public ip over VPN somewhere right?

How is everyone handling OOBE?

I'm half tempted to do it via VHF low throughput radios!


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