They are great for stuff like 30/40Mhz wide, gps sync, put 4-6 on a pole in
a subdivision  or on a tower leg kinda thing.

If anybody thought they were for something else (ie long range), they
didn't read the data sheets.

Lightweight, low size, low wind load, perfectly circular pattern - great
spot beams. Good F/B ratio.

On Tue, Apr 10, 2018, 9:12 PM Robert <> wrote:

> I recently did a couple of tests with RF horns.   I was hoping for a lot
> and was disappointed.   I was hoping that they could be colocated
> closer than regular sectors that I use and the crosstalk signal levels
> were just about the same as the shielded sectors.   As far as the
> signals at the CPE's they were pretty good but not amazingly better for
> as small as the target area got reduced to.
> On 4/10/18 6:43 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
> > Can i get some non fanboy real world on these guys? Btw, i hate facebook
> > groups almost as much as dslreports or the ubnt forums, this is
> > literally the only place to get legitimate product info.

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