Yes, your example using the max-limit is right.

To let them all fight for it (essentially), you could only set the max-limit, target=<your subnet>, and not use a PCQ, then it would essentially let all the users share (mostly equally) the available 105 Mbps. Setting a PCQ for each is probably the better answer. It could feel sluggish for a bit for new connections if a single user were using all of it, but you can set the per-connection rate pretty high if you want to. At some point, you'll hit the 105 Mbps limit and it won't matter...

Jesse DuPont

Network Architect
Celerity Networks LLC

Celerity Broadband LLC
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On 4/18/18 12:02 PM, Justin Marshall wrote:

Just to make sure I understand correctly… (kind of going off the example located at


Adding the max-limit=105M/105M in step 3 would limit all users handled by the PCQ to 105M?


/queue simple

add max-limit=105M/105M name=PCQ_Queue queue=PCQ_Upload/PCQ_Download target=


In step 2 of that example I link, they show how to limit each user to 64k/32k.

/queue type add name="PCQ_download" kind=pcq pcq-rate=64000 pcq-classifier=dst-address

/queue type add name="PCQ_upload" kind=pcq pcq-rate=32000 pcq-classifier=src-address


Is there a way to write that to allow them the full 105M if they were the only user? (or ½ that if there are 2, 1/3 if 3, etc)  Just not specify a pcq-rate?




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Jesse DuPont
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Mikrotik: Making usre X bandwidth is available for a given device


You can setup a PCQ for WiFi subnet as you described, but also set the max-limit for both down and up on the PCQ and it will distribute bandwidth among all IPs in the PCQ, limited to the per-IP rate in the PCQ and overall limited to the max-limit, which you'd set to 105 Mbps. Then if you still want to, you can have a simple queue for the streaming device (which would make it easy to see how much the streamer is actually using).

You can also do all this with the queue tree, but will be more complicated.

Jesse DuPont

Network Architect
Celerity Networks LLC

Celerity Broadband LLC
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On 4/18/18 11:30 AM, Justin Marshall wrote:



I have a customer with a 120M/120M connection.  This is for a church that usually has 100-250 users on wifi at any given time.


I need to make sure that at least 15M/15M is available at all times for a given streaming device, but I also want to make sure any wifi users have full access to the other 105M.  What is the best way to go about this?


Is there a way to use PCQ to accomplish this? Dedicate 105/105 to PCQ which would leave the remaining 15M available to the other device (e.g. if i moved the streaming device to a different subnet)?

I see an example on how to see a max limit for each PCQ user, but I can't seem to find any that set a max limit for all PCQ users.  (


Is there a better way to go about this? Marking packets?  If so, does anyone know of a good tutorial?


Any suggestion would be appreciated.





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