On Sun, Oct 6, 2019 at 11:29 AM James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ...
> If one takes Randell Mills's "Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics"
> seriously (and I do) he has, even *without* the above ansatz, has
> calculated an amazing array of physical properties
> <http://www.millsian.com/summarytables/SummaryTables022709S.pdf> from
> "fundamental constants only" and IIRC the number of such constants is
> smaller than in the Standard Model.  I'll try to look up what that reduced
> set of constants is and provide it along with a formulary deriving other
> constants of the Standard Model.

That set of constants is (according to Page 41, of GUToCP Volume 1 (2018
edition) <https://brilliantlightpower.com/book/>, Foundations):

   - G
   - The spin of the electron neutrino.
   - The fundamental constants that comprise the fine structure constant:
      - *µ0*
      - *e *(charge of an electron)
      - *c*
      - *h*

However, the competition is not string theory nor the Standard Model per
se, but QED+GR because GUToCP purports to cover those theories and
calculate their parameters from the above parameters to the formulas given
in the book, some of which are old standards, such as   ε0 = 1/(*c*² *µ0).*

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