On Tue, Oct 8, 2019, 7:08 AM John Rose <johnr...@polyplexic.com> wrote:

> Son of a gluon!
> Pitkänen thinking similar 'cept quantum model. I'm thinking algebraic
> entanglement on contemporary computers:
> http://vixra.org/abs/1111.0109

Did you understand the paper? I'm thinking using thermodynamic buzzwords to
promote Christian values and crackpot theories of consciousness stored in
the phosphate bonds of DNA. The clue would be that he references mostly his
own work plus an occasional popsci or Wikipedia article. This is why we
have peer review.

> Proof of concept might be to calculate Pi faster on a group of computers
> with algebraic entanglement verses traditional signaling methodology...

Proof of concept would be using Shor's or Grover's algorithm on a quantum
computer to break Bitcoin.

But the paper isn't even about quantum computing. It's about reinventing
Landauer's principle, which he seems unaware. The apparent loss of
information that occurs during computation is compensated by the kT ln 2
energy cost of writing a bit of memory, so there is no violation of the
second law of thermodynamics.

I realize that observers play a critical role in both quantum mechanics and
general relativity. Without them, we could not detect particles from waves
or measure time and distance. But that doesn't require consciousness. It
only requires a device that can store memory, a statistical
time-irreversible process in physics models that are otherwise time

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