Functions are degenerate Relations.  Anyone that starts from a functional
programming perspective has already lost the war.

Here's a question for ya'll:

What is the Relational generalization of Curry-Howard?

On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 10:09 AM YKY (Yan King Yin, 甄景贤) <> wrote:

> On 9/14/21, <> wrote:
> > Hi YKY :)
> >
> > As for Tic Tac Toe, I believe this should work: write a winning strategy
> in
> > any functional language (being lambda calculus based). Then convert it to
> > logic rules by Curry-Howard correspondence. And voilà, you have a logic
> > representation of the winning strategy.
> Yes, I'm glad you mentioned Curry-Howard.  My objective here is to
> formulate a set of logic rules for Tic Tac Toe that is very "natural" and
> close to the way humans think about this game.
> For example, the human child will first learn the concept of 3-in-a-row,
> etc.  Then he learns that "XX□" is almost 3-in-a-row, and is a "can win"
> situation.  Then he learns that a "fork" is two distinct "can win"
> situations.
> Notice that the "fork" predicate is expressed with the "can win" predicate
> which is learned earlier (ie, more primitive).
> In other words, if we want to *re-use* earlier-learned predicates, we need
> to make *assumptions*, ie, imagined moves.  By making imaginary moves
> we get back to the situations we have encountered *before*, instead of
> having to invent new concepts from scratch.
> In classical (ancient) logic-based AI, they have so-called ATMS
> (assumption-based truth maintenance systems) that keep track of
> assumptions and the conclusions they lead to.  This makes the
> inference engine quite complicated.
> Curry-Howard can offer an interesting and perhaps useful insight:
> under Curry-Howard, an assumption in logic is just a variable.  For
> example if we assume the proposition A, this corresponds to having
> a variable x:A of type A.
> When we create a proof making use of this assumption, this corresponds
> to having a function f, taking a proof of A to a proof of B.  In other
> words,
> it is a λ-term "λx. f(x)".  Notice that in this λ-term the variable x is
> bound
> and not free.  This means that our proof has *discharged* the assumption
> A.
> Simon Thompson's book "Type Theory and Functional Programming" [1991]
> explains all this very nicely.
> > Other than Curry-Howard, from what I learned, logic represents a Turing
> > complete language, just use implication as a function symbol, and manage
> > variables in related predicates. We start from axioms (progressively
> > asserted Tic Tac Toe moves) that are raw material taken for granted, from
> > which all the conclusions in planing are deduced. When you check all the
> > branching conclusions, asserting all the possible opponent moves in
> between,
> > if you encounter a "win" combination, there could be a potential path for
> > winning if the opponent moves as predicted. This should work for any
> system,
> > including the Tic Tac Toe game. But beware, there could be an infinite
> loop
> > in rules, just like in regular programming, and it happens on recursive
> > implication. This could be avoided by tracking the recursion count,
> > rejecting high count branches.
> >
> > For Tic Tac Toe, just find a way to represent a board as a predicate
> system
> > (maybe one 9 parameters long, or three 3 parameters long, or whatever
> else
> > fits), define all the winning combinations, and that is half a job done.

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