Hi YKY :)

As for Tic Tac Toe, I believe this should work: write a winning strategy in any 
functional language (being lambda calculus based). Then convert it to logic 
rules by Curry-Howard correspondence. And voilà, you have a logic 
representation of the winning strategy.

Other than Curry-Howard, from what I learned, logic represents a Turing 
complete language, just use implication as a function symbol, and manage 
variables in related predicates. We start from axioms (progressively asserted 
Tic Tac Toe moves) that are raw material taken for granted, from which all the 
conclusions in planing are deduced. When you check all the branching 
conclusions, asserting all the possible opponent moves in between, if you 
encounter a "win" combination, there could be a potential path for winning if 
the opponent moves as predicted. This should work for any system, including the 
Tic Tac Toe game. But beware, there could be an infinite loop in rules, just 
like in regular programming, and it happens on recursive implication. This 
could be avoided by tracking the recursion count, rejecting high count branches.

For Tic Tac Toe, just find a way to represent a board as a predicate system 
(maybe one 9 parameters long, or three 3 parameters long, or whatever else 
fits), define all the winning combinations, and that is half a job done.
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